
15 April 2020
Professor Giancarlo Cravotto Appointed as Editor-in-Chief of Processes

We are pleased to announce that starting from 10 April 2020, the editorial leadership of Processes has been taken over by Professor Giancarlo Cravotto (University of Turin)

Prof. Cravotto became a researcher at the Department of Drug Science and Technology (University of Turin), after four years of experience in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. He spent a year at the Techniche Universität in Berlin (Prof. P. Weyerstahl), on an organic synthesis project, funded by DFG and CNR, in 1992.

His research activity in the domain of green organic synthesis and sustainable processes is documented by about 410 scientific, peer-reviewed papers (Scopus—H. Index 50; 10,800 citations), 19 patents, 40 book chapters and 7 books as editor, and more than 400 communications to scientific meetings, including several invited plenary and keynote lectures. The extraction, purification, synthesis, and chemical modification of bioactive natural products has been the focus of his research activity. These studies have paved the way for new, nonconventional energy source driven synthetic procedures (microwaves, ultrasound, hydrodynamic cavitation, mechanochemistry, flow chemistry, etc.), while also prompting the development of innovative hybrid reactors. New enabling technologies have been applied in process intensification with industrial partners across a number of fields, including food processing, phytoextracts, pharmaceutics, fine chemicals, cosmetics, and biomedical polymers. He was the Director of the Department of Drug Science and Technology from 2007 to October 2018, and he is currently Full Professor of Organic Chemistry and vice-Director, leading a research group and a technological platform for process design from lab to pilot scale. In his new role, he will work closely with over 100 Editorial Board Members from across the globe, and we are confident that under his leadership, the journal will continue as a highly respected journal in the field.

We would like to take the opportunity to express our gratitude to the previous Editor-in-Chief Prof. Dr. Michael A. Henson, for his invaluable contributions to the journal.

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