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Young Investigator Award

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce that the winner of the Polymers 2020 Young Investigator Award is Dr. Bernhard V. K. J. Schmidt.

Dr. Bernhard V. K. J. Schmidt leads an independent research group as Lecturer at the University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK. Dr. Schmidt’s research group investigates the self-assembly and demixing behaviors of hydrophilic polymers for application in the biomedical field. Another focus of the group is metal–organic framework/polymer hybrid materials and polymer–mediated crystallization modulation. Additionally, the group synthesizes carbon nitride/polymer hybrid materials for photocatalytic and biomedical applications. Dr. Schmidt received his PhD in 2013. He has since received several awards and has an outstanding publication record, comprising 74 primary publications and seven reviews in peer-reviewed international journals. Dr. Schmidt has around 2000 Scopus Scientific Citations, and his Hirsch index is 27. He is clearly a rising figure in the field of polymer materials. Please join us in congratulating Dr. Schmidt for his outstanding achievements.

As the awardee, Dr. Schmidt will receive an honorarium of 2500 CHF, a plaque, a waiver of the registration fees of the next Polymers conference in 2022, and a plenary presentation at the next conference.

We would like to thank the nominators from various fields of study for their participation and all the Award Committee Members for their consideration of the many excellent nominees.

Prof. Dr. Alexander Böker
Editor-in-Chief, Polymers

Polymers 2020 Young Investigator Award
Past Winners


Bernhard V. K. J. Schmidt
University of Glasgow, UK


Lei Fang
Texas A&M University, USA


Luis M. Campos
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