
8 December 2021
Recruiting Topical Advisory Panel Members for Photonics

The journal Photonics (ISSN 2304-6732) is currently recruiting Topical Advisory Panel Members. The Topical Advisory Panel comprises Early Career Researchers, eager to gain experience in editorial work. Early career researchers that currently hold an independent research position in academia or government institute are invited to apply to join the Topical Advisory Panel, where they will provide support to Guest Editors, Topic Editors, and Section Board Members. Each year, the member’s performance is evaluated, and outstanding members will be promoted to the Editorial Board by the Editor in Chief.

You can check the detailed Topical Advisory Panel Responsibilities at the following link:

If you are interested in this position, please submit your application at the following link:

Photonics is an international, scientific, peer-reviewed, open access journal based on research on the science and technology of optics and photonics, published monthly online by MDPI, indexed within Scopus, SCIE (Web of Science), Inspec, CAPlus/SciFinder, and many other databases. The new impact factor of Photonics has increased to 2.676. On the Web of Science, Photonics ranks 37th out of 99 (Q2) in the category “Optics”. The aims and scope of the journal can be found in the Aims and Scope Section on the following website:

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