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2 April 2019
2019 Molecules Travel Award Winners Announced

We are pleased to announce that the winners of the 2019 Travel Award, sponsored by MDPI and Molecules, are Juan Vicente Alegre Requen, Belinda Hetzler and Dan Preston.

Juan V. Alegre-Requena (top right) mainly focuses on computational mechanistic studies of organic and organometallic reactions, working in close collaboration with different experimental groups.

Belinda E. Hetzler (left) is currently a Ph.D. student at New York University. Her research involves the development of synthetic methodology for complex natural product syntheses and the design of novel molecular switches for the control of protein function.”

Dan Preston (bottom right) completed his doctoral studies at the University of Otago, New Zealand. He currently holds a Rutherford Postdoctoral Fellowship with the Kruger Group at the University of Canterbury. He is interested in self-assembly and coordination chemistry and is working on new ways to assemble structures in solution.

It was a difficult decision with such high quality applications for the awards and we would like to thank all applicants for submitting their diverse and fascinating range of research topics. We congratulate the winners for their accomplishments.

Dr. Derek J. McPhee
Editor-in-Chief, Molecules

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