
17–21 July 2016, Portland, Oregon, USA
2016 IS-MPMI XVII Congress

This year’s program takes place at the Oregon Convention Center (777 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd, Portland, OR 97232), across the river from downtown Portland and connected by light rail to downtown and the airport.

The 2016 meeting will offer a streamlined program with lots of time for networking, posters, and recreation. There will be seven plenary sessions, nine sets of three concurrent sessions, and three poster sessions.

The program will include a mix of established and young investigators working on pathogenic and symbiotic associations using diverse biological systems. More than 50 percent of the plenary speakers did not speak at the last IS-MPMI meeting in 2014, ensuring new ideas and fresh viewpoints.

The plenary and concurrent sessions will highlight the latest advances in fundamental research critical for advancements in agricultural science (e.g. RNA-mediated interactions; epigenetic variation in microbes and hosts; epigenomics; tritophic interactions and the microbiome; population genomics; mechanisms of plant immunity; cell wall and apoplastic interactions; mechanisms of symbiosis and mutualism; interkingdom signaling) as well as translational studies (e.g. novel approaches for disease control; breakthrough technologies for engineering staple food crops; and successes and needs in the developing world).

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