
23 September 2022
Magnetochemistry | New Section “Magnetic Field” Established

We are pleased to announce the launch of a new Section titled “Magnetic Field” in the journal Magnetochemistry (ISSN 2312-7481).

The “Magnetic Field” Section of Magnetochemistry mainly focuses on, but is not limited to, the following areas: magnetic fields of permanent magnets, interactions between magnets, materials under magnetic fields, space plasmas under magnetic fields, geomagnetic observation, and creation and application of magnetic fields. This Section will publish papers in different formats, such as research reports, short communications, comprehensive reviews, and original research articles.


  • magnetic poles and models;
  • magnetic induction;
  • magnetic force;
  • magnetic torque;
  • magnetoelectric effect;
  • magnetization of materials;
  • magnetized plasmas;
  • imaging measurements in geomagnetic field;
  • properties of magnetic materials;
  • chemical synthesis;
  • creation and applications of magnetic fields.

For more detailed information, please visit the following link:

Magnetochemistry Editorial Office

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