
23 September 2022
Magnetochemistry | New Section “Applied Magnetochemistry” Established

We are pleased to announce the launch of a new Section titled “Applied Magnetochemistry” in the journal Magnetochemistry (ISSN 2312-7481).

The “Applied Magnetochemistry” Section publishes different types of contributions dealing with the applications of magnetochemistry. The list of these applications includes:

  • Magnetic material applications: soft magnetic materials, permanent magnetic materials, and functional magnetic materials;
  • Applications of magnetic resonance: NMR, ESR, EPR;
  • Electromagnetic field applications: research areas involving electromagnetic energy generation, storage, transformation, transmission; information distribution and communication; measurement and positioning;
  • Applications of biomagnetism: agriculture, medicine (magnetoencephalogram and magnetic surgery);
  • Application of environmental magnetism: using the techniques and methods of paleomagnetism and rock magnetism to determine the changes in various parameters of rock magnetism under different environmental conditions, to study the relationship between rock magnetism and environmental changes.

For more detailed information, please visit the following link:

Magnetochemistry Editorial Office

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