
8 January 2021
Recruiting Section Editor-in-Chief for Magnetochemistry

Magnetochemistry is recruiting Section Editors-in-Chief for the following two new sections:

  • Spin Crossover
  • Spintronics

Magnetochemistry (ISSN 2312-7481; CODEN: MAGNCZ) is an international, scientific, peer-reviewed, open access journal on all areas of magnetism and magnetic materials published online by MDPI. Magnetochemistry received its first Impact Factor of 1.947 with a JCR category ranking of 22/45 (Q2) inCHEMISTRY, INORGANIC & NUCLEAR’.

Section Editors-in-Chief are responsible for the following:

  • Defining the Aims and Scope of the Section;
  • Advising on the strategic development of the Section;
  • Ensuring the quality of the published content;
  • Nominating/inviting Guest Editors and optionally delegating to them the authority to make final acceptance decisions for submitted articles;
  • Nominating/inviting contributors;
  • Nominating and leading the Section Editorial Board;
  • Promoting the journal at scientific conferences or through other venues.

To apply for this position, recommend potential candidates, or request further information, please contact the Magnetochemistry Editorial Office ([email protected]) before 31 March 2021.

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