
21–20 February 2019, Lycée Français de New York, New York, NY, USA
MOBILLE—Mobile Language Learning Experience International Conference

Hosted by the iconic Lycée Français de New York, MOBILLE is a new international conference that gathers scholars and practitioners from all over the world in a forum about the impact of new technologies on learning and teaching of languages.

MOBILLE stands for Mobile Language Learning Experience. Language learning occurs in various environments, in dedicated regular classes as well as in those integrating language and subject matter. Whatever the setting, this conference will focus on how technology—ubiquitous, pervasive and forever changing, shapes the experiences of learners, as well as teachers in primary school, secondary school and beyond. What is mobile is not just the technology, but ultimately the language learning itself.

MOBILLE Proceedings will comprise selected papers from the conference edited by the chair, Dr. Sonia Rocca. The Proceedings will appear in the MOBILLE partner journal, Languages , an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal on interdisciplinary studies of languages, published quarterly online by MDPI .

MOBILLE registered presenters may submit full-length articles in English to the Proceedings, which will be published as a Special Issue of Languages , entitled MOBILLE 2019. The deadline for submissions to the proceedings is 15 December 2018. Manuscripts can be submitted here. They will be peer-reviewed and published online immediately after acceptance.

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