6 August 2023, Oxford, UK
The 7th International Conference on Economic Management and Green Development (ICEMGD 2023)
The 7th International Conference on Economic Management and Green Development (ICEMGD 2023) will be held on August 6, 2023. The aim of ICEMGD is to provide a platform for educators, scholars, managers, and graduate students from different cultural backgrounds to present and discuss research, developments, and innovations in their academic fields. It provides opportunities for the attendees to exchange new ideas and application experiences, establish business or research relations, and look for global partners for future collaborations.
To break the barriers of time and space and to provide seamless communication opportunities for worldwide scholars, ICEMGD 2023 will be organized across various venues. Transnational academic workshops are the co-organisers of ICEMGD 2023 and will be held at King's College London, University of Wolverhampton, UNSW Business School, and Peking University. Besides these workshops, ICEMGD 2023 will also hold an online session and welcomes participants from all countries and regions.
All full paper submissions to ICEMGD should be written in English. They will be sent to the committee and reviewed by at least two editors. All papers will be evaluated based on originality, technicality, research depth, accuracy, relevance to the conference, academic contributions, and readability.