10th Anniversary
JMSE (ISSN 2077-1312) provides an advanced forum for studies related to marine science and engineering. The year 2023 marks the 10th anniversary of JMSE. In the past ten years, JMSE has published more than 5300 papers from over 18,100 authors. More than 8400 reviewers have submitted at least one review report. We value the contributions made by both our authors and reviewers. To celebrate this 10th anniversary, we are arranging a series of special content and events. We hope you can join us in celebrating this milestone for our journal and we hope that you enjoy the collection below.
Best Wishes, The Editors
Journal History
View the 10-year timeline infographic here. Trace the development of JMSE from its origins with remarkable events.The inaugural issue was released, initially published as a quarterly journal.
JMSE was indexed by INSPEC.
JMSE was divided into four topical sections:
JMSE was indexed by Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI, Web of Science) and Scopus (Elsevier).
JMSE started the Travel Awards project.
JMSE was indexed by Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE, Web of Science).
JMSE added two sections:
JMSE was published as a monthly journal.
The impact factor was 1.732, and the Journal of Marine Science and Engineering was ranked 34/66 (Q3) in the category of “Oceanography”.
The Travel Awards were given.
JMSE received a new impact factor (2.033), ranked Q2 (31/66) in “Oceanography”.
JMSE announced the third edition of the Travel Awards.
JMSE added one section:
The impact factor was 2.458, and JMSE was ranked 29/65 (Q2) in "Oceanography", 6/16 (Q2) in "Engineering, Marine" and 8/16 (Q2) in "Engineering, Ocean".
JMSE announced the first edition of the Best Paper Award.
JMSE established the following sections:
JMSE held two webinars:
1. Marine Oil Spills
2. Peridynamics and Its Applications in Marine Structures
JMSE received a new impact factor of 2.744 for the year 2021 and a new 5-year impact factor of 2.727 for the year 2021, ranked Q1 (4/16) in "Engineering, Marine", Q2 (26/66 ) in "Oceanography" and Q2 (8/16) in "Engineering, Ocean".
JMSE announced the first editions of the Young Investigator Award, Outstanding Reviewer Award and Best Ph.D. Thesis Award.
JMSE held four webinars:
1. Offshore Renewables for a Transition to a Low Carbon Society
2. Energy-Saving Devices for Ships
3. Marine Fouling Protection Technologies: Economics, Coatings and Environmental Health
4. Design, Analysis and Maintenance of Green Innovative Marine Structures
Celebration Activities
JMSE 2022 Young Investigator Award
We are pleased to announce that JMSE is now inviting nominations for the JMSE 2022 Young Investigator Award. This prize will be given to one young investigator in recognition of their excellence in the field of marine science and engineering. All nominations will be assessed by an Award Evaluation Committee led by the Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Dr. Tony Clare.
JMSE 2023 Travel Award
We are pleased to announce that JMSE will be granting the Travel Award to two early-career scientists. The applications will be assessed by an Evaluation Committee consisting of senior scholars from the JMSE Editorial Board.
This award provides financial support for the winners to attend an international conference in the field of marine science and engineering and deliver a presentation, present a poster, or both. The conference will be held this year.