Travel Award

On behalf of the Evaluation Committee, we are pleased to announce the winners of the 2020 Infrastructures Travel Awards, which were granted to the following applicants:

Mr. Nguyen Van Te Ron, a Ph.D. student from School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, will attend the Transport Research Arena TRA 2020, 27–30 April, 2020, in Helsinki, Finland to present his paper “How Do Passengers Sense Road Roughness Through Heavy City Bus Dynamics Models?”

Mr. Iván Garrido González is a Ph.D. student in the Applied Geotechnologies Research Group, Mining and Energy Engineering School, University of Vigo. He will attend the 15th Quantitative InfraRed Thermography, 6–10 July, 2020, in Porto, Portugal to present his paper “Combination of Thermal Fundamentals and Deep Learning for Infrastructure Inspections from Thermographic Images–Preliminary Results”.

This was a difficult decision with many high-quality applications for the awards, and we would like to thank all applicants for submitting their diverse and fascinating range of research topics. We congratulate the winners on their accomplishments.

Dr. Pedro Arias-Sánchez

Infrastructures (ISSN 2412-3811) is a peer-reviewed, international, open access journal presenting state-of-the-art research in the area of infrastructures, and is published monthly online by MDPI, Switzerland. Please click here for more information on Infrastructures:

Infrastructures 2020 Travel Award
Past Winners


André Filipe Castanheira Alves Furtado
CONSTRUCT-LESE, Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto (Portugal)
Angelo Aloisio
University of L'Aquila


Srijith Balakrishnan
The University of Texas at Austin
Applied Geotechnologies Research Group, Mining & Energy Engineering School, University of Vigo, Rúa Maxwell s/n, 36310 Vigo, Spain

Award Committee

Dr. Pedro Arias-Sánchez Chairman
University of Vigo
Dr. Kourosh Khoshelham
Prof. Isam Shahrour
Lille University
Dr. Susana Lagüela
Universidad de Salamanca
Prof. Dr. Stefano Sfarra
University of L’Aquila
Dr. William D. Shuster
Wayne State University
Dr. Boulent Imam


Sujith Mangalathu
University of California, Los Angeles
Cao Wang
The University of Sydney

Award Committee

Dr. Pedro Arias-Sánchez Chairman
University of Vigo
Dr. Susana Lagüela
Universidad de Salamanca
Prof. Isam Shahrour
Lille University
Dr. Hosin Lee
The University of Iowa
Prof. Georgios E. Stavroulakis
Technical University of Crete
Dr. Kourosh Khoshelham
Dr. Daniel Oliveira
University of Minho
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