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15–30 July 2021, Online
The 2nd International Electronic Conference on Brain Sciences (IECBS 2021)

You are cordially invited to participate in the 2nd International Electronic Conference on Brain Sciences. This event aims to bring together researchers working in the field of neuroscience, to present and discuss their recent contributions, without the need for travel. During this e-conference, a live session will also be held on 15th of July 2021.

The field of neuroscience is one of the last frontiers in biomedical studies, as many of the details that control brain function are still not well understood. This makes the study of the nervous system very exciting and fast moving. This conference will address a variety of research topics, which reflect some of the current areas of focus. These are organized into seven sessions, and include:

  • Clinical Neuroscience
  • Cognitive Neuroscience
  • Systems Neuroscience
  • Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
  • Developmental Neuroscience
  • Behavioral Neuroscience
  • Environmental Neuroscience

Accepted abstract submissions will be published in the proceedings of the conference, and authors are invited to elaborate their abstracts into full manuscripts that will be considered for publication in Brain Sciences, with a 20% discount on the APC. Brain Sciences is an open access journal from MDPI, in the field of neuroscience. The journal is indexed in the Sciences Citation Indexing Expended (SCIE IF=3.332), Scopus, and other databases. Citations are available in PubMed; full-text archived in PubMed Central (PMC). Please visit the following website for more information.


Important Dates
• Abstract Submission: 10 April 2021
• Notification of Acceptance: 20 April 2021
• Submission of Full Manuscript to Brain Sciences: 1 June 2021
• Conference Date: 15–30 July 2021

You are welcome both to upload and present your work and to attend the conference completely free of charge.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions.

We look forward to welcoming you at this exciting meeting online.


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