Best Paper Award

The Geosciences Best Paper Award is granted annually to highlight publications of high quality, scientific significance, and extensive influence. The evaluation committee members choose two articles of exceptional quality that were published in the journal the year before the previous year and announce them online by the end of February.

The prize:

– Two papers will be selected.
– Each winner will receive CHF 500, a certificate, and a waiver voucher for article processing fees, valid for one year.

Geosciences Best Paper Award
Winner announcement: 28 February 2025

Eligibility and Requirements

– All papers published in Geosciences will be eligible (both regular and Special Issue submissions).

Selection Criteria

– Scientific merit and broad impact;
– Originality of the research objectives and/or the ideas presented;
– Creativity of the study design or uniqueness of the approaches and concepts;
– Clarity of presentation;
– Citations and downloads.

Past Winners


29 pages, 80409 KiB  
Reconstructing the Variscan Terranes in the Alpine Basement: Facts and Arguments for an Alpidic Orocline
by Michel Faure and Jacky Ferrière
Geosciences 2022, 12(2), 65; - 30 Jan 2022
18 pages, 4674 KiB  
Impact of Well Placement in the Fractured Geothermal Reservoirs Based on Available Discrete Fractured System
by Saeed Mahmoodpour, Mrityunjay Singh, Kristian Bär and Ingo Sass
Geosciences 2022, 12(1), 19; - 4 Jan 2022

Award Committee

Prof. Jesús Martínez Frías Chairman
Instituto de Geociencias, IGEO (CSIC-UCM)
Prof. Karoly Nemeth
Massey University
Dr. Gianluca Groppelli
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Prof. Dimitrios Nikolopoulos
University of West Attica, Department of Industrial Design and Production Engineering
Prof. Ioannis Koukouvelas
University of Patras
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