
24–28 July 2011, Beijing, China
34th Annual ACM SIGIR Conference 2011

SIGIR is the major international forum for the presentation of new research results and for the demonstration of new systems and techniques in the broad field of information retrieval (IR). The Conference and Program Chairs invite all those working in areas related to IR to submit original papers, posters, and proposals for tutorials, workshops, and demonstrations of systems. SIGIR 2011 welcomes contributions related to any aspect of IR theory and foundation, techniques, and applications. Relevant topics include, but are not limited to:

- Document Representation and Content Analysis    
- Queries and Query Analysis    
- Users and Interactive IR
- Retrieval Models and Ranking   
- Search Engine Architectures and Scalability    
- Filtering and Recommending   
- Evaluation    
- Web IR and Social Media Search   
- IR and Structured Data    
- Multimedia IR    
- Other Applications

To maintain a reasonable acceptance rate in the face of growing numbers of submissions, SIGIR 2011 will be exploring alternative presentations for full papers. For example, depending on the number of accepted full papers, the program committee may select some of those papers to be presented as posters in a special track according to the nature of the paper. This would be different than the poster session for the “late-breaking” research ideas, which will continue as in previous years.

- 17 Jan 2011 : Abstracts for full research papers due
- 24 Jan 2011 : Full research paper submissions due
- 28 Jan 2011 : Workshop proposals due
- 11 Feb 2011 : Posters, demonstration, and tutorial proposals due
- 5 Mar 2011 : Notification of workshop acceptances
- 7 Mar 2011 : Doctoral consortium proposals due
- 8 Apr 2011 : All other acceptance notification

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