
21–22 April 2020, Tehran, Iran
WASOWC 2020: West Asian Symposium on Optical and Millimeter-wave Wireless Communications

WASOWC2020 aims to bring together researchers from academia and industry to share their latest findings in the field of optical & millimetre-wave wireless communications as part of the 5th Generation and beyond wireless netwroks.

Symposium Topics:

All organic visible light communications (VLCs)
Channel modelling and characterisation, channel capacity analysis
Diversity techniques, dimming, data communications and localisation in VLCs
Free space optics (FSO), outdoor and under water – Last meter to last mile
Hybrid millimetre-wave (MMW)- optical wireless communications (OWC) links
Hybrid IR/VLC technology
Modelling of various noises in MMW/OWC systems
Modulation, coding and detection schemes
Mobile-to-infrastructure and mobile-to-mobile communications
OWC, MMW, and THz novel devices and components
OWC and MMW networks: architecture, PHY/MAC design, cross-layer design
Applications of OWC (VLC, FSO) and MMW for: Device-to-device communications, e-Health, e-Commerce, Intelligent transportation systems (e.g. vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communications, trains, aircrafts, etc.), Underwater, Indoor positioning, Inter and intra chip communications, Internet-of-Things (IoT), Medical, Space, Manufacturing, Wireless sensor networks
Next generation OWC and MMW networks
OWC and MMW transceiver design and optimization
Ultraviolet communications
Massive MIMO for optical and MMW links

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