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15–19 July 2022, Belgorod, Russia
Partial Differential Equations and Related Topics (PDERT’22)

Dear colleagues,

We are organizing a conference on “Partial Differential Equations and Related Topics”, which will be held online with the possibility of full-time participation in Belgorod on 15–19 July 2022.

The meeting aims to ensure participation of world-leading experts in diverse areas of Differential Equations theory and applications. We also plan to attract a significant number of students and young researchers.

Conference topics include (but are not limited to) the following sections:

  1. Linear and nonlinear operators in function spaces;
  2. Differential, integral, and operator equations;
  3. Initial and boundary value problems for differential equations;
  4. Numerical methods in theory of differential equations and their applications;
  5. Mathematical and computer modeling;
  6. Mathematical physics.


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