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23–26 June 2020, Washington DC, USA

The clean energy community has faced a multitude of challenges and COVID-19 is just another. Our ASES June 2020 virtual meeting empowers all of us to broaden the participation by orders-of-magnitude to drive the ultimate goal 100% renewable energy. We’ll embrace new technology to leverage the entire portfolio of renewable energy, high-value energy efficiency and energy storage to rebuild the US economy, lower regulated and greenhouse gas emissions, and create a better world.

Participants in the National Solar Conference represent a broad base of solar and renewable energy professionals and thought leaders–researchers, architects, engineers, entrepreneurs, installers, manufacturers, businesses, economists, finance professionals and policy makers.

Annually, our conference includes:

Technical sessions

Forum discussions

Plenary panels


Fast-paced switch presentations

Public solar displays

Various networking events

Awards celebration including recognition of women in solar energy

Presentation/speaking opportunities

ASES conferences have a long track record of tackling tough topics, revealing game-changing breakthroughs, and serving to inspire the very people who inspire us. Together, over the years, we’ve witnessed the remarkable transformation of the solar and renewable energy industry and what these cumulative efforts have made possible.

More detailed information about the conference at:


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