Reviewer Board
Members of the reviewer board are selected from all Electronics reviewers for regularly providing timely high quality reports on submitted manuscripts. Responsibilities of reviewers are available here.
Interests: power electronics (DC/AC inverters, switching converters); battery management; high voltage circuits (pulse forming lines and PFL support circuits); plasma diagnostics; optoelectronics
Interests: applied cryptography; data security; information-centric networking security; blockchain applications; big data security; IoT security; cloud computing security; trusted hardware
Interests: ultraviolet epitaxy; semiconductor optoelectronic components; semiconductor materials
Interests: smart home; cloud computing; computer vision; machine learning; software engineering
Interests: fpga; digital circuit; reliability; single-event effects; rad-hard-by-design
Interests: distributed control systems; measurement systems; modelling of industrial processes and simulation; multi-agent systems and machine learning
Interests: virtual reality; occupant behavior; immersive virtual environment; indoor environment
Interests: wireless power transfer; wireless communications; wave propagation; electromagnetics; electrical engineering; c/c++; metamaterials; building materials; reinforced concrete; construction materials
Interests: software defined radios and cooperative network systems; smart antennas—MIMO; digital signal processing; signal propagation; signal attenuation due to precipitation; schumann resonance measuremenets; object-oriented approaches for wireless system
Interests: wireless and embedded systems; OFDM, turbo codes; antenna design; Satellite Links; measuring technology; mathematical analysis; modelling and interdisciplinary applications
Interests: flicker noise; spectral analysis; low frequency fluctuations; noise measurement systems; noise in electron devices
Interests: power amplifiers; semiconductor; microwave; GaN; TRM; SCFE; HPA
Interests: artificial intelligence; wireless Sensor Networks; data fusion; massive MIMO; Internet of things; radar signal processing; network traffic analysis
Interests: graph clustering; community detection; modularization quality functions; modularity; mathematical relational analysis; generic louvain algorithm; graph neural networks
Interests: electronics and photonics for biomedical applications
Interests: image processing
Interests: Automotive Engineering; internal combustion engines; turbocharging; Environmental Perfomances; Emissions; thermal management; energy conversion; energy recovery; Management Electronic Engine; electric vehicle powertrain; vehicle sensors
Interests: space technology; fpga; millimeter wave propagation; satellite communications; stochastic modelling; machine learning
Interests: cybersecurity; network security; Internet of Things; smart home; IIoT; applied machine learning and artificial intelligence in cybersecurity; Network anomaly detection; quantum communications
Interests: gamification; serious games; Activity recognition; indoor positioning; empirical mode decomposition; lung segmentation; posture recognition; Brain Tumor; EEG; gesture recognition; brain MRI segmentation; network intrusion detection; Parkinson's disease recognition; covid-19 diagnostics; covid-19 prediction; phishing attack detection; breast cancer recognition; skin lesion segmentation; melanoma recognition; ear biometrics; plant leaf disease recognition; malware detection; Indoor localisation; gait recognition; brain tumor recognition; deep learning; convolutional neural networks
Interests: Internet of Things; Cognitive Radio; physical internet; wireless nano/sensor networks; wireless acoustic networks
Interests: computer architecture; circuits and systems; embedded systems; IoT; computer vision; fpga; heterogeneous architectures; robotics
Interests: Network and Web Security; network traffic monitoring and analysis; IoT security; Usable Security
Interests: Electric Power Systems; Electrical Machines; electric vehicle powertrain; wireless power transfer
Interests: cloud computing; edge computing; IoT; control theory; trust management; industry 4.0
Interests: agent-based modeling; data analysis; structural equations modeling; computational techniques; airplane boarding; Evacuation; consumers' behavior
Interests: telecommunication channels; broadband networks; channel capacity; data communication; electric vehicles; mobile radio; modulation; radio receivers; radio transmitters, receivers, ships, statistical analysis, transmitters; Power Line Communication
Interests: residue number system; computational mathematics; number theory; cryptography; Homomorphic encryption; Algebra; Secret Sharing Schemes
Interests: glucose sensors; biosensors; micro/nano glucose sensor; resonators; filters; wearable glucose sensors; RF electronics; Radio frequency; microwave; device modeling
Interests: embedded electronics; low-power design; power estimation; hardware design of DSP algorithms