
19 April 2022
Meet the Editors | Interview with Prof. Dr. Juan-Carlos Cano—Section Editor-in-Chief of the Section “Networks” in Electronics

Prof. Dr. Juan-Carlos Cano has been a University Professor at the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV) since November 7, 2011, in the area of computer architecture and technology, and his research is developed in the area of communications networks. He has five research "sexenios" (six-year terms), one of which is for knowledge transfer. He is an author of more than 400 papers, and at present, his Google Scholar h-index is 46.

Dr. Fernando Rubiera González

Name: Prof. Dr. Juan-Carlos Cano

Email[email protected]

Affiliation: Department of Computer Engineering, Universitat Politècnica de València, 46022 Valencia, Spain


Research Keywords: mobile ad hoc networks; vehicular networks; mobile communication; computer networks; wireless networks; MANETs; VANETs

The following is a short Q&A with Prof. Dr. Juan-Carlos Cano, who shared his vision for the journal with us, as well as his views of the research area and open access publishing:

1. Can you briefly share your research results?

To date, I have published more than 400 papers in international journals and congresses, highlighting 95 articles in international journals with the JCR impact index (more than 50 in Q1), 125 articles from congresses classified as CORE or SCIE, and more than 150 articles in international congresses (mainly IEEE and ACM and IFIP), of which I would highlight those published in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, which in 2003 was in the number 1 position by impact index in the “Communications” category.

2. Can you briefly share your teaching activity?

As for my teaching activity, I have received the award for Teaching Excellence by the Social Council of the UPV and the Generalitat Valenciana. At present (since June 2021), I am the Vice-Rector for Teaching Staff and Academic Organization, at the Universitat Politécnica de Valencia.

3. What is your vision for the “Networks” Section?

“Networks” contains many different fields of computer communications and networks while providing full coverage of all topics of interest involved in the networking area. I also support new emerging topics in the field of networks and hope this Section will publish more and more high-quality papers.

4. What do you think of the development of Open Access in the publishing field?

I support Open Access, and Open Access increases the possibility for researchers from all over the world to read scientific literature.

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