
13–15 June 2016, Rome, Italy
10th Annual Conference of the Spatial Econometrics Association

The Spatial Econometrics Association was created in 2006 by the seven co-founders Anselin, Arbia, Baltagi, Keleijan Robinson, Paelinck, and Prucha, and currently counts more than 100 members in the five continents. The past Annual Meetings were hosted in prestigious venues, such as Rome, Cambridge, New York, Barcelona, Chicago, Toulouse, Salvador de Bahia, Washington DC, Zürich, and Miami, attracting an average of about 80 papers a year. From 13–15 June, 2016, in order to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Association, the conference will be held again in Rome. The focus of the 2016 SEA World Conference in Rome will be on methodological themes, such as discrete choice spatial modeling, spatial panel data, spatial concentration, spatial models of duration, explanatory spatial data analysis, spatial Heteroskedastic models, Bayesian methods, big spatial data and spatial data mining, spatial microeconometric methods, and spatial and social network effects. It will also plan to attract empirical contributions related to topics such as Economic Growth, Knowledge Diffusion, Labor Market and Migration, Health, Criminology, Environmental Economics and Energy and House market. Papers containing original empirical applications (but not mere case studies that make use of existing methods) will also be considered.

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