
5–11 July 2020, Budapest, Hungary
6th European Crystallographic School

We are pleased to invite you and your students to attend the 6th European Crystallographic School to be held in Budapest, Hungary 5-11 July 2020 under the auspices of the European Crystallographic Association and International Union of Crystallography.


  • Symmetries, point groups, space groups, periodicity, unit cell
  • Diffraction physics
  • Sources, detectors, future possibilities
  • Instrumentation
  • Crystallization small molecule
  • Protein production, purification, crystallization
  • Data collection, reduction, analysis
  • Structure solutions, refinement
  • Crystallographic databases (CSD, PDB)
  • Phasing and model building, disorder, twinning
  • Polymorphism, crystal engineering, supramolecular chemistry
  • Powder diffraction, Rietveld
  • Structure analysis and quality control
  • Data validation, cif and data handling
  • Non-ambient conditions
  • Small angle scattering
  • Electron microscopy
  • NMR and crystallography, NMR-crystallography
  • Structure-property relationship

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