
26–28 May 2019, Uberlandia, Brazil
14th International Conference on Green, Pervasive and Cloud Computing (GPC 2019)

GPC 2019 welcomes original and innovative paper submissions from the academia, industry, and government, describing theoretical advances, system designs, implementations, and experimentations, including but not limited to the following topics:
  • Ubiquitous communications and networks.
  • Infrastructure softwarization.
  • Slicing.
  • Programmable and software defined networks.
  • Sensor, ad hoc networks, mobile agents, and networking.
  • Multimedia communications, machine to machine communications.
  • Cloud, Edge/Fog, Cluster, and Grid Computing.
  • Mobile, peer-to-peer, and pervasive computing.
  • Service-oriented computing.
  • Multi-core systems, parallel and distributed systems.
  • Internet of things, and cyber-physical systems.
  • Social network and services.
  • Energy-efficient computing, communication, and virtualization architectures and protocols.
  • Instrumentation and measurement studies on energy-efficient systems.
  • Energy-aware mobile cloud systems and large-scale applications.
  • Monitoring, sensing, control, and management of energy-aware systems.
  • Innovative technologies for robustness and reliability of energy-aware systems.
  • Trade-offs between performance, energy, and other resources in cloud sites and pervasive computing.
  • Lightweight and efficient cryptography, communication, and mobile apps.
  • Modeling and control of variability in demand and supply of green energy sources.
  • Integration, scheduling, and management of renewable energy sources.
  • Programming models, tools, and environments for and pervasive computing and energy-efficient systems.
  • Data analytics for pervasive computing and energy-efficient systems.
  • Machine learning for pervasive computing and energy-efficient systems.
  • Semantic web, semantic grid, metadata, and ontology related to cloud computing and pervasive computing.
  • Security and privacy for cloud computing and pervasive computing.
  • Economy and business models for cloud computing and pervasive computing.
  • Service Level Agreements (SLAs) guarantee for customers in cloud computing.
  • Incentives and innovative pricing for the management of cloud resources.
  • Grid and pervasive applications, including e-Science, e-Business, smart city, etc.

Special Issues
Authors of top quality papers presented in GPC2019 will be invited to extend their work and submit it to mainstream journals:
- IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM)
- MDPI Computers

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