
19–21 February 2019, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund, German
The International Conference on Microservices (Microservices 2019)

The theme of this edition is the interplay between microservices and the Digital Transformation, i.e., the process of accelerating and improving business activities, processes, and models through digital automation. This process is crucial for companies in highly-competing markets, where integration and flexibility of software systems becomes a critical asset to establish leadership. Here, microservices can play a central role. They can streamline integration (thanks to their focus on standards and interoperability) and enable more flexible solutions (by supporting dynamic deployments and elastic scaling).

However these benefits come at a cost: an increased complexity that calls for a proportional improvement of techniques for software construction. This requires contributions from different areas, ranging from formal methods to software engineering and the general art of programming.

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

  • Design and implementation of microservice architectures.
  • Empirical studies of microservices.
  • Software engineering methods for microservices.
  • Security in microservices.
  • Formal models for microservices.
  • Verification (both static and runtime) of microservice systems.
  • Programming languages and techniques for microservices.
  • Testing for microservices.

We solicit contributed talks based work in progress, scientific work published or submitted for publication, or practical experience reports. Authors wishing to present their work are invited to submit extended abstracts following the submission guidelines. Abstracts and presentations must be in English.

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