
5–6 April 2017, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Dairy Innovation Summit 2017

New trends and global changes in the market have called for an increase in dairy innovation. The 3rd Dairy Innovation Summit provides professionals a fantastic opportunity to explore various aspects of the market, including: clean label, processing innovation, growing markets and many more.
With more speakers than ever before, the inspiring and innovative environment provides the ideal platform to gain strategic insight into the significance of dairy innovation; in addition to real life case studies and a macro perspective of the market, you will most likely discover methods to enhance your product and brand value.
What to expect:
• Exploration into the current and future regulations affecting dairy innovation
• The impact of emerging global markets (China, Africa, Middle East and Mexico)
• Latest innovation in manufacturing and how it will influence the market
• Insight into the prominence of Kefir, Quark and Donkey milk and other consumer trends
• Significance of clean label and sustainability in the dairy industry
• How are technicalities in processing contributing to dairy innovation
• The growth of organic dairy and what the future holds
Surround yourself with like minded professionals and industry elites:
We will be joined by the newly appointed President of the International Diary Federation, Judith Bryans, Jens Schaps (EU Commission), as well as industry giants Yili, Juhayna Food Industries, and Chobani to discuss dairy innovation and the latest regulations affecting your business.
The event presents an incredible opportunity to connect with industry professionals from all over Europe, to examine openings as well as look for solutions in order to enhance your strategic approach in moving forward within the dairy industry.

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