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4–5 May 2011, Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences, School of Management, Steyr, Austria
VCM Conference 2011

Dear conference participant,

Welcome to our Value Chain Management Conference website. We really appreciate your interest in our first VCM conference, which will take place in May 2011. It is thanks to the interaction of a team of renowned scientists from all around the world that this scientific event developed from wishful thinking into reality and I would like to take the opportunity to warmly thank the Committee Members for all the preparation work which they have done over the last few months.
The very first conference is organized under the main topic of “Modelling Value”. Authors have the opportunity to hand in their papers according to the following session streams: “Searching for Value” and “Value Chain Models – Focusing on Future Real World Applications”.
I am glad to inform you that the best papers submitted will be published by Springer. These Springer Proceedings on Value Chain Management will be listed in EBSCO, JEL, EconLit, Repec and an inclusion in the Conference Proceedings Citation Index of ISI will be prepared.
The conference venue is situated in the historic Wehrgraben area a short walk from the town centre of Steyr right at the confluence of the two rivers the Steyr and the Enns. Steyr is the third largest town of the Federal Province of Upper Austria, just a 30 minutes car drive from the state capital Linz and one and a half hours away from the federal capital Vienna. Many internationally active companies are located in our surroundings, e.g. BMW Motoren GmbH, MAN Nutzfahrzeuge AG, SKF, Steyr Mannlicher, Steyr Motors GmbH, GFM, NKE or CNH Österreich GmbH.
Please take a closer look at the following website for detailed information about the conference. As conference preparations are an ongoing procedure and information is constantly updated or completed I suggest visiting the VCM Conference website at regular intervals.
I am looking forward to a very successful first conference and if you have any queries regarding the conference please contact any member of the conference team.

Yours sincerely
Herbert Jodlbauer
Conference Chair Dean, School of Management

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