
22–23 February 2024, Zagreb, Croatia


On behalf of the Scientific and Organizing Committee, it is a great honor and pleasure to announce and invite you to the 15th Meeting of Young Chemical Engineers (SMLKI 2024) that will be held at the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology in Zagreb, Republic of Croatia, on February 22nd and 23rd 2024. Organized by the Croatian Society of Chemical Engineers and the University of Zagreb’s Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, this meeting has traditionally been held on a bi-annual basis since 1996.

Through its five sections—Chemical Engineering, Biochemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Materials and Products Development, and Applied Chemistry—this meeting gathers young scientists from universities and industry and research institutes from Croatia and abroad to exchange their experiences and knowledge and to present their valuable results in the field of chemical engineering.

We believe that all participants, plenary and invited lecturers, patrons, sponsors, and many others will recognize the significance of this meeting and its role in the promotion of chemical engineering expertise, and thus support it with their active participation.

We sincerely hope that you will reply positively to this invitation.

Chair of the Scientific and Organizing Committee

Assist. Prof. Željka Ujević Andrijić


The Meeting of Young Chemical Engineers was held for the first time in 1996. This year, 2024, marks the 15th Meeting of Young Chemical Engineers. The SMLKI event is a project that has been held for many years of employees of the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology who traditionally promote the chemical engineering discipline and point out the significance of its continuous development in the Republic of Croatia. The goal of the meeting is to celebrate young experts and our profession as well as present the results achieved during their undergraduate and graduate study and in their bachelor’s and master’s theses. Moreover, young scientists will exchange their valuable experiences and achievements gained in industry, academia, and research institutes. Besides participants from the Republic of Croatia, considerable interest has been shown from colleagues in the following foreign countries: Germany, Hungary, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, and the United Kingdom. Therefore, an international characteristic is certainly present at the meeting.

The official languages of the meeting are Croatian and English.

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