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Seeds, Volume 3, Issue 4 (December 2024) – 12 articles

Cover Story (view full-size image): Seed morphology has often been used in the taxonomy of the Euphorbiaceae. Analytical descriptive methods include measurements like area, perimeter, circularity, aspect ratio, roundness and solidity. The comparison of these measurements between taxa of this family reveals aspects of their organization. Curvature analysis gives numerical data related to seed surface geometry in species of this family. Approximately triangular, squared or polygonal shapes with single points of high curvature in the apex and three or more points of high curvature at the base were also observed in species of Euphorbia, such as E. lamarckii Sweet. View this paper
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16 pages, 3488 KiB  
Seeds vs. Seedlings: The Long-Term Success of Seeds Versus Seedlings in the Restoration of the Federally Endangered Baptisia arachnifera (Fabaceae) During Experimental Planting
by John B. Pascarella
Seeds 2024, 3(4), 689-704; - 18 Dec 2024
Viewed by 516
The use of seeds versus seedlings may yield different restoration trajectories depending on seed germination (=seedling emergence) success in the of restoration plantings versus seedling establishment. Effective restoration and sustainable population dynamics will require both for long-term persistence. This study compared seed germination [...] Read more.
The use of seeds versus seedlings may yield different restoration trajectories depending on seed germination (=seedling emergence) success in the of restoration plantings versus seedling establishment. Effective restoration and sustainable population dynamics will require both for long-term persistence. This study compared seed germination in both greenhouse and natural conditions, examining the growth, survival, and reproduction of seedlings from seeds and transplants of a federally endangered perennial, Baptisia arachnifera W.H. Duncan (Fabaceae), in Georgia, USA. Under greenhouse conditions, seed germination is rapid and yields 68% germination across a variety of conditions. In field germination trials, seedling emergence is moderate (20%), but survival, growth, and reproduction are low. Over an 18-yr period (2004–2022) at a restoration planting site in Lowndes County, Georgia, USA, survival, growth, and reproduction were much higher for plants established from seedlings versus plants established from seeds. While dormant plants and seeds are not harmed by winter burns, seedlings derived from both seeds and seedlings are negatively impacted by growing season burns. Restoration efforts in this species should focus on germinating seeds in greenhouses and the effective establishment and management of seedlings, not using seeds directly for restoration efforts. Full article
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12 pages, 1147 KiB  
Effects of Aqueous Extracts of Lantana camara L. on Germination of Setaria viridis (L.) P.Beauv. Seeds with Different Degrees of Dormancy
by Marcelly Eduarda da Cunha Lázaro-dos-Santos, Nadine Tonelli Cavalari, Everson dos Santos Ribeiro, Henrique Henning Boyd da Cunha, Livia Marques Casanova, Fernanda Reinert, Bianca Ortiz-Silva and Luana Beatriz dos Santos Nascimento
Seeds 2024, 3(4), 677-688; - 16 Dec 2024
Viewed by 696
Setaria viridis (green foxtail) is an invasive weed species in various agricultural systems, prompting the search for effective compounds to control its germination. The species has primary and secondary dormancy depending on the time elapsed since post-harvesting, making management strategies more difficult. Several [...] Read more.
Setaria viridis (green foxtail) is an invasive weed species in various agricultural systems, prompting the search for effective compounds to control its germination. The species has primary and secondary dormancy depending on the time elapsed since post-harvesting, making management strategies more difficult. Several weed plants, such as Lantana camara L., can be a source of allelochemicals with herbicidal effects, being a potential candidate for the control of S. viridis. We investigated the effects of L. camara extracts on the germination and initial growth of S. viridis seeds with different degrees of dormancy and revealed a dose-dependent bioherbicide effect. Aqueous extracts of L. camara were analyzed by HPLC-DAD and applied (0.1 to 5.0 mg/mL) to 12- and 110-day post-harvest S. viridis seeds. Seeds were evaluated daily and germination percentage (GP), speed germination index (SGI), and radicle length (RL) were calculated. Phenolic acids and flavonoids were major components of the extract. Lower concentrations (0.1 and 0.5 mg/mL) stimulated and accelerated the germination of S. viridis, breaking its dormancy. Both 1.0 and 5.0 mg/mL concentrations hindered germination, especially in 12 dph seeds. The 1.0 mg/mL concentration resulted in longer roots, whereas 5.0 mg/mL inhibited root development. Lantana camara extracts potentially stimulate germination and radicle growth of S. viridis at low concentrations while inhibiting these parameters at higher doses. These results may open new possibilities for using L. camara in weed-control strategies. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Seed Germination Ecophysiology of Invasive Species)
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21 pages, 1116 KiB  
Adaptations of Rice Seed Germination to Drought and Hypoxic Conditions: Molecular and Physiological Insights
by Uttam Bahadur Kunwar, Jiancheng Wen, Roshan Subedi, Naresh Singh Bist and Naba Raj Pandit
Seeds 2024, 3(4), 656-676; - 2 Dec 2024
Viewed by 1433
Seed germination is crucial for plant survival, crop stand establishment, and achieving optimal grain yield. The main objective of this review is to explore the physiological and molecular mechanisms governing rice seed germination under aerobic (water stress) and anaerobic (hypoxic) conditions in direct-seeded [...] Read more.
Seed germination is crucial for plant survival, crop stand establishment, and achieving optimal grain yield. The main objective of this review is to explore the physiological and molecular mechanisms governing rice seed germination under aerobic (water stress) and anaerobic (hypoxic) conditions in direct-seeded rice (DSR) systems. Moreover, it discusses the recent genomic advancements and innovations to improve rice seed germination. Here, we discuss how coleoptile and mesocotyl elongation plays a vital role in anaerobic germination (AG) and the function of raised antioxidants, including superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD), and catalase (CAT) in maintaining Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), and malondialdehyde (MDA) homeostasis for stabilizing seed germination in water-scarce conditions. This study comprehensively highlights the functions and dynamics of phytohormones—GA (gibberellic acid) and ABA (abscisic acid)—key regulatory genes, transcription factors (TFs), key proteins, and regulatory metabolic pathways, including glycolysis, the pentose phosphate pathway (PPP), and the tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA), in regulating seed germination under both conditions. Conventional agronomic and cultural practices, such as seed selection, seed priming, seed coating, and hardening, have proven to improve seed germination. Moreover, the utilization of molecular and novel approaches—such as clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat (CRISPR-Cas9) mediated genome editing, marker-assisted selection (MAS), genome-wide associations studies (GWAS), single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), multi-omics, RNA sequencing—combined with beneficial quantitative trait loci (QTLs) has expanded knowledge of crop genomics and inheritance. These advancements aid the development of specific traits for enhancing seed germination in DSR. Full article
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17 pages, 3243 KiB  
Variability in Fruit Morphology and Germination Capacity of the Tropical Medicinal Species Securidaca longipedunculata Fres.
by Edith M. S. Daboué, Ali Béné, Kangbéni Dimobe, Djibril S. Dayamba, Aboubacar B. Zouré, Bassiaka Ouattara, Prospère Sabo, Sévérin Tuina, Oblé Neya, Barbara Vinceti and Amadé Ouédraogo
Seeds 2024, 3(4), 639-655; - 19 Nov 2024
Viewed by 672
Securidaca longipedunculata Fresen, a medicinal tree indigenous to tropical Africa, faces threats due to root overharvesting and limited occurrence. This study assessed the extent of variation in the morphological traits and germination of seeds collected from populations located across the Sudano-Sahelian and Sudanian [...] Read more.
Securidaca longipedunculata Fresen, a medicinal tree indigenous to tropical Africa, faces threats due to root overharvesting and limited occurrence. This study assessed the extent of variation in the morphological traits and germination of seeds collected from populations located across the Sudano-Sahelian and Sudanian climatic zones in Burkina Faso. A total of 1600 mature fruits across the two climatic zones were characterized in their morphology. Seed germination tests were conducted with material collected across climatic zones, using six physical and chemical pre-treatments and two substrates. Descriptive statistics and analyses of variance were used to process the data generated. The morphological data showed significant variations in fruit and nut traits across the populations sampled, which may reflect a significant underlying genetic diversity, as expected in wild plants. Samples from the Sudano-Sahelian zone exhibited larger fruits (11.87 ± 1.38 mm) containing heavier (0.12 ± 0.04 g) and larger (5.64 ± 1.02 mm) nuts. Seeds sown on river sand exhibited the highest mean germination percentage (35.24 ± 17.73%) and germination speed (0.40 ± 0.36 seedlings per day). Seed wing and coat removal resulted in the highest mean germination percentages (respectively, 36.5 ± 19% and 35.5 ± 16%). These results suggest the existence of some barriers to germination in S. longipedunculata seeds. For seedling production, preferably heavier fruits should be collected and sowing carried out on river sand after wing or coat removal. Full article
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31 pages, 4611 KiB  
Curvature Analysis of Seed Silhouettes in the Euphorbiaceae
by Emilio Cervantes, José Javier Martín-Gómez, Diego Gutiérrez del Pozo and Ángel Tocino
Seeds 2024, 3(4), 608-638; - 18 Nov 2024
Viewed by 763
The Euphorbiaceae is a large, diverse, and cosmopolitan family of monoecious or dioecious trees, shrubs, herbs, and lianas. Their name comes from Euphorbia, one of the largest genera in the Angiosperms, with close to 2000 species and a complex taxonomy. Many of [...] Read more.
The Euphorbiaceae is a large, diverse, and cosmopolitan family of monoecious or dioecious trees, shrubs, herbs, and lianas. Their name comes from Euphorbia, one of the largest genera in the Angiosperms, with close to 2000 species and a complex taxonomy. Many of their members have an economic interest in multiple applications, including pharmaceutical, nutritional, and others. The seeds of the Euphorbiaceae develop in schizocarps and have a diversity of shapes that have proven useful for species identification and classification. Nevertheless, analytical quantitative methods can be the subject of further development for the application of seed morphology in the taxonomy of this family. With this objective, measurements of size (area, perimeter, length, and width) and shape (circularity, aspect ratio, roundness, and solidity) in seed images of 230 species representative of the main taxonomic groups of Euphorbiaceae are presented, and curvature analysis is applied to 19 species. Seed images corresponding to many species of this family present a tetragonal pattern with a curvature peak in the apical pole and three in the basal pole. The results of the curvature analysis are discussed in relation to other morphological properties, revealing new aspects of seed morphology of taxonomic application. Full article
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19 pages, 2542 KiB  
Prevalence of Seed-Borne Fungi on Soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) Seeds Stored Under Medium-Term Cold Room Facilities: Implications for Genebanks
by Abdul J Shango, Sognigbé N’Danikou, Shebati Ramadhani, Saphina Sumaye, Jonas Nickas and Michael L Daud
Seeds 2024, 3(4), 589-607; - 5 Nov 2024
Viewed by 1151
This study examined the prevalence of seed-borne fungi in polyethylene plastic-packaged soybean seeds stored in a genebank and identified factors influencing their incidence. Twenty-four seed lots were sampled from the collection stored at 10 °C in the World Vegetable Center genebank in Arusha, [...] Read more.
This study examined the prevalence of seed-borne fungi in polyethylene plastic-packaged soybean seeds stored in a genebank and identified factors influencing their incidence. Twenty-four seed lots were sampled from the collection stored at 10 °C in the World Vegetable Center genebank in Arusha, Tanzania. The seeds used were those regenerated and harvested in 2015, 2016, and 2017. A seed health test was conducted for sterilized seeds on potato dextrose agar, sterilized seeds on top of the paper, and unsterilized seeds on top of the paper. Seven-year-old sterilized seeds plated on top of the paper exhibited the highest germination percentage (74 ± 7.09%) and lowest fungal incidence (7.00 ± 4.41%). Conversely, seven-year-old unsterilized seeds plated on top of the paper had the lowest germination (22.00 ± 6.97%) and highest fungal incidence (79.00 ± 8.31%). Older seed lots showed significantly higher equilibrium seed moisture content (Eqmc), though seed age had no significant influence on germination percentage or fungal incidence. Seed germination percentage showed a significant negative relationship with Eqmc, though Eqmc had no significant effect on fungal incidence. Meanwhile, germination percentage showed a significant negative relationship with fungal incidence. Six fungi isolates were identified using their morphological features from soybean seed samples: Absidia glauca, Aspergillus niger, Fusarium spp., Mucor hiemalis, Pestalotiopsis versicolor, and Sordaria macrospora. It is concluded that high fungal incidence negatively affects seed germination but is not significantly correlated with seed moisture content. The dry and cold storage conditions in the genebank, while effective in extending seed longevity, can unintentionally allow seed-borne mycoflora to persist. Although fungi may not actively proliferate under these conditions, they may do so when favorable conditions are restored, such as during germination tests, and consequently may compromise seed viability. Therefore, this study emphasizes the importance of increased systematic seed health checks before storage in genebanks to ensure optimal seed quality, and the replacement of all polyethylene plastic bags to aluminium foil packaging. Full article
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14 pages, 800 KiB  
Evaluation of the Effects of Cultivar and Location on the Interaction of Lentil Seed Characteristics with Optimal Cooking Time
by Dimitrios Sarakatsianos, Dimitra Polyzou, Athanasios Mavromatis, Dimitrios N. Vlachostergios and Dimitrios Gerasopoulos
Seeds 2024, 3(4), 575-588; - 30 Oct 2024
Viewed by 746
The most important product of the lentil crop (Lens culinaris Medik) is the seeds. The main seed characteristics are their size, color, and the cooking time required to make them edible. Cultivar, location of cultivation, and their interaction are the primary factors [...] Read more.
The most important product of the lentil crop (Lens culinaris Medik) is the seeds. The main seed characteristics are their size, color, and the cooking time required to make them edible. Cultivar, location of cultivation, and their interaction are the primary factors of raw or cooked seed characteristics. The study examined the impact of five different lentil cultivars (Dimitra, Elpida, Thessalia, Samos, and 03-24L), as influenced by the cultivation environment in four different zones or nine different locations in Central-Northern Greece, on cooking time. The optimal cooking time (OCT) was calculated by cooking the seeds for 0–60 min to determine the percentage of cooked seeds using the penetration test. OCT was associated with the characteristics of both raw (mass of 1000 seeds, external color, and the percentage of mature/immature seeds) and cooked (color and organoleptic characteristics of the cooking media as well as mass increase and hardness and organoleptic characteristics of the seeds) seeds for 30 min. Depending on location, each cultivar had a different mass of 1000 seeds; Elpida had the highest mass (63.9 g), and Dimitra had the lowest (33.1 g). This was linked to OCT, which was among the highest (57.5 min) for Elpida, lowest (49 min) for Dimitra, and intermediate for Thessalia, Samos, or 03-24L. The average OCT was 55.9 min for all samples. The seed from the five locations with the shortest OCT was considered appropriate for human consumption. Two locations yielded seeds with intermediate OCT, while the other two produced the highest OCT; these were recommended for processing or propagation. In this study, the cultivar factor had a greater effect on raw seed characteristics, while the location factor had a greater effect on cooked seed characteristics and OCT than either the location, the cultivar factor, or the cultivar x location interaction. Full article
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16 pages, 1655 KiB  
The Role of Seed Characteristics on Water Uptake Preceding Germination
by Prerana Upretee, Manjula S. Bandara and Karen K. Tanino
Seeds 2024, 3(4), 559-574; - 16 Oct 2024
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 2641
Seed germination is a complex process involving imbibition, activation and subsequent growth. In addition to re-establishing metabolic activity, water uptake helps stabilize macromolecules and biochemical reactions, resulting in radicle protrusion. Factors affecting water uptake include seed composition, water availability and seed coat permeability. [...] Read more.
Seed germination is a complex process involving imbibition, activation and subsequent growth. In addition to re-establishing metabolic activity, water uptake helps stabilize macromolecules and biochemical reactions, resulting in radicle protrusion. Factors affecting water uptake include seed composition, water availability and seed coat permeability. Water entry sites vary with species and occur primarily through the hilum, micropyle or lens. In addition, seed size influences water uptake, where larger seeds are usually less permeable. The seed coat plays a significant role in regulating the water absorption process. Several seed coat characteristics, including color, thickness and differences in the anatomical structure, such as the presence of pores, cuticles and radicle pockets, alter water permeability. Similarly, the presence of either physical or physiological seed dormancy negatively affects water uptake. This review emphasizes that understanding seed characteristics, such as size, shape and seed coat permeability, and their relationships is essential for breeding and selecting seeds with desirable traits, as they directly influence water uptake, leading to improved germination and growth. Full article
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15 pages, 1528 KiB  
Biochar and Deactivated Yeast as Seed Coatings for Restoration: Performance on Alternative Substrates
by Jennifer Cann, Esther Tang and Sean C. Thomas
Seeds 2024, 3(4), 544-558; - 16 Oct 2024
Viewed by 1036
Seedling establishment is often a critical bottleneck in the revegetation of mine tailings and similar substrates. Biochar and deactivated yeast are potential sustainable materials that could be used in this context as seed coatings to aid in seedling establishment. We conducted a greenhouse [...] Read more.
Seedling establishment is often a critical bottleneck in the revegetation of mine tailings and similar substrates. Biochar and deactivated yeast are potential sustainable materials that could be used in this context as seed coatings to aid in seedling establishment. We conducted a greenhouse study on biochar and deactivated yeast use as seed coatings, assessing germination, establishment, and early growth of white clover (Trifolium repens) and purple prairie clover (Dalea purpurea). Coated seeds were applied to a mine tailing, a coarse granitic sand, and potting soil mix substrates; seedling establishment and growth were monitored over 75 days. Biochar coatings enhanced the seedling establishment of Trifolium, with biochar and biochar plus yeast coatings giving the best results. In some cases, these effects persisted throughout the experiment: biochar coatings resulted in a ~fivefold increase in Trifolium biomass at harvest for plants in the potting soil mix but had neutral effects on sand or tailings. Biochar seed coatings also enhanced Dalea germination in some cases, but the benefits did not persist. Our results indicate that biochar-based seed coatings can have lasting effects on plant growth well beyond germination but also emphasize highly species-specific responses that highlight the need for further study. Full article
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4 pages, 203 KiB  
Seed Priming Technology: Current Perspectives
by José Antonio Hernández, Gregorio Barba-Espín and Pedro Díaz-Vivancos
Seeds 2024, 3(4), 540-543; - 11 Oct 2024
Viewed by 1584
Seeds are vital components in the life cycle of plants, as they are responsible for the propagation of new plant generations [...] Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Seed Priming Approaches That Achieve Environmental Stress Tolerance)
12 pages, 1481 KiB  
Comparative Metagenomic Profiling of Seed-Borne Microbiomes in a Landrace and a Hybrid Maize Variety
by Sarah Henaut-Jacobs, Beatriz Elisa Barcelos Cyríaco, Francisnei Pedrosa-Silva, Fabio Lopes Olivares and Thiago Motta Venancio
Seeds 2024, 3(4), 528-539; - 26 Sep 2024
Viewed by 1267
The plant seed-borne microbiome comprises microorganisms vertically inherited from the mother plant. This microbiome is often linked to early-life protection and seedling growth promotion. Herein, we compare the seed-borne bacteriomes of a commercial hybrid (Santa Helena) and a landrace maize variety (Sol da [...] Read more.
The plant seed-borne microbiome comprises microorganisms vertically inherited from the mother plant. This microbiome is often linked to early-life protection and seedling growth promotion. Herein, we compare the seed-borne bacteriomes of a commercial hybrid (Santa Helena) and a landrace maize variety (Sol da Manhã). The landrace variety displays a more diverse seed-borne microbiome, featuring a variety of taxa across samples with an average Shannon’s diversity index of 1.12 compared to 0.45 in the hybrid variety. The landrace variety also showed a greater alpha diversity of 165.8, in contrast to 144.1 in the hybrid. Although both microbiomes lack a functional nitrogen fixation apparatus, we found a remarkably distinct presence of genes associated with phytohormone production and phosphate solubilization, particularly in the landrace variety. In addition, we recovered 18 metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs), including four from potentially novel species. Collectively, our results allow for a better understanding of the contrasting diversity between maize varieties. The higher potential for phytohormone production in landraces, the absence of nif genes in both varieties, and the identification of core microbiome taxa offer valuable insights into how microbial communities impact plant health and development. This knowledge could pave the way for more sustainable and innovative agricultural practices in crop management. Full article
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23 pages, 2365 KiB  
Darwin’s Digestion Myth: Historical and Modern Perspectives on Our Understanding of Seed Dispersal by Waterbirds
by Andy J. Green and David M. Wilkinson
Seeds 2024, 3(4), 505-527; - 24 Sep 2024
Viewed by 1546
Internal transport (endozoochory) and external transport (epizoochory) by migratory waterbirds are key mechanisms of long-distance dispersal for seeds and other diaspores of plants lacking a fleshy fruit. Beginning with Darwin in 1859, we review how opinions about the relative importance of epizoochory and [...] Read more.
Internal transport (endozoochory) and external transport (epizoochory) by migratory waterbirds are key mechanisms of long-distance dispersal for seeds and other diaspores of plants lacking a fleshy fruit. Beginning with Darwin in 1859, we review how opinions about the relative importance of epizoochory and endozoochory have changed repeatedly over time and how this allows us to reassess our modern understanding of plant dispersal. Darwin was mistaken in asserting that diaspores cannot survive passage through the gut of waterbirds or other granivorous birds. This “digestion myth” led him to underestimate endozoochory and overstate the importance of epizoochory, an approach which is echoed throughout the literature until the present day. Darwin also focused on aquatic plants, yet it is now clear that waterbirds are also major vectors of terrestrial plants. Based on their empirical observations and experiments, other less influential scientists (notably Hesselman in 1897, Guppy in 1906 and Proctor in the 1960s) argued that endozoochory is the more important mechanism for waterbirds. Modern field and experimental studies demonstrate the dominant role for endozoochory. Unfortunately, avian endozoochory of dry-fruited plants continues to be ignored as a dispersal mechanism by many plant ecologists, which we attribute to Darwin’s continuing influence. However, this endozoochory has major implications for plant biogeography and requires wider recognition and research. Full article
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