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Wind, Volume 1, Issue 1 (December 2021) – 6 articles

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2 pages, 389 KiB  
Wind Power: An Important Source in Energy Systems
by Zhe Chen
Wind 2021, 1(1), 90-91; - 10 Dec 2021
Cited by 7 | Viewed by 7124
It is my great pleasure to welcome you to the inaugural issue of Wind [...] Full article
13 pages, 2372 KiB  
Spatial-Economic Potential Analysis of Wind Power Plants in Germany
by David Hennecke and Carsten Croonenbroeck
Wind 2021, 1(1), 77-89; - 22 Nov 2021
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 2875
Before a new wind farm can be built, politics and regional planning must approve of the respective area as a suitable site. For this purpose, large-scale potential computations were carried out to identify suitable areas. The calculation of wind power plant potential usually [...] Read more.
Before a new wind farm can be built, politics and regional planning must approve of the respective area as a suitable site. For this purpose, large-scale potential computations were carried out to identify suitable areas. The calculation of wind power plant potential usually focuses on capturing the highest energy potential. In Germany, due to an energy production reimbursement factor defined in the Renewable Energy Sources Act (“Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz”, EEG) in 2017, the influence of energy quantities on the power plant potential varies, economically and spatially. Therefore, in addition to the calculation of energy potentials, it was also necessary to perform a potential analysis in terms of economic efficiency. This allows, on the one hand, an economic review of the areas tendered by the regional planning and, on the other hand, a spatial-economic analysis that expands the parameters in the search for new areas. In this work, (a) potentials with regard to the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) were calculated by the example of the electricity market in Germany, which were then (b) spatially and statistically processed on the level of the federal states. Full article
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14 pages, 61541 KiB  
Design, Construction and Evaluation of an Oscillating Vane Gust Generator for Atmospheric Flow Simulation
by Aaron French, Wilhelm Friess, Andrew Goupee and Keith Berube
Wind 2021, 1(1), 63-76; - 11 Nov 2021
Cited by 3 | Viewed by 3255
The study of unsteady aerodynamic phenomena in wind tunnels is supported by gust-generating devices capable of generating adjustable magnitude and periodicity velocity fluctuations in a flowfield. Gusts are typically generated actively by introducing moving vanes to direct the flow, or passively by tailoring [...] Read more.
The study of unsteady aerodynamic phenomena in wind tunnels is supported by gust-generating devices capable of generating adjustable magnitude and periodicity velocity fluctuations in a flowfield. Gusts are typically generated actively by introducing moving vanes to direct the flow, or passively by tailoring the boundary layer growth and shape in the tunnel. The flow facility used here is a student-built closed-return low-speed wind tunnel, with a test section size of 750 mm × 750 mm and a maximum speed of 25 m/s. A two-vane gust generator utilizing NACA0018 airfoil sections of 150 mm chord length was designed and installed upstream of the test section. The flowfield was mapped with the installed vanes with and without gust actuation, utilizing a hot wire system. The tunnel with gust vanes exhibits a spatially uniform baseline turbulence intensity of 5%, with a steady state velocity deficit of 1 m/s in the vane–wake region. Upon introducing the gusting conditions at vane deflection angles of up to ±45°, velocity differences of up to 4 m/s were attained at 18 m/s freestream velocity at oscillation frequencies ranging between 1 Hz and 2 Hz. Full article
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19 pages, 8690 KiB  
The Benefit of Horizontal Photovoltaic Panels in Reducing Wind Loads on a Membrane Roofing System on a Flat Roof
by Yasushi Uematsu, Tetsuo Yambe, Tomoyuki Watanabe and Hirokazu Ikeda
Wind 2021, 1(1), 44-62; - 9 Nov 2021
Cited by 6 | Viewed by 4880
The present paper proposes a measure for improving the wind-resistant performance of photovoltaic systems and mechanically attached single-ply membrane roofing systems installed on flat roofs by combining them together. Mechanically attached single-ply membrane roofing systems are often used in Japan. These roofing systems [...] Read more.
The present paper proposes a measure for improving the wind-resistant performance of photovoltaic systems and mechanically attached single-ply membrane roofing systems installed on flat roofs by combining them together. Mechanically attached single-ply membrane roofing systems are often used in Japan. These roofing systems are often damaged by strong winds, because they are very sensitive to wind action. Recently, photovoltaic (PV) systems placed on flat roofs have become popular. They are also often damaged by strong winds directed onto the underside, which cause large wind forces onto the PV panels. For improving the wind resistance of these systems, we proposed to install PV panels horizontally with gaps between them. Such an installation may decrease the wind forces on the PV panels due to the pressure equalization effect as well as on the waterproofing membrane due to the shielding effect of the PV panels. This paper discusses the validity of such an idea. The pressure on the bottom surface of a PV panel, called the “layer pressure” here, was evaluated by a numerical simulation based on the unsteady Bernoulli equation. In the simulation, the time history of the external pressure coefficients, measured at many points on the roof in a wind tunnel, was employed. It was found that the wind forces, both on the PV panels and on the roofing system, were significantly reduced. The reduction was large near the roof’s corner, where large suction pressures were induced in oblique winds. Thus, the proposed method improved the wind resistance of both systems significantly. Full article
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24 pages, 3045 KiB  
Low-Voltage Ride through Capability Augmentation of DFIG-Based Wind Farms Using Series-Parallel Resonance-Type Fault Current Limiter
by Md. Yah-Ya Ul Haque, Jakir Hasan, Md. Rashidul Islam and Md. Rabiul Islam
Wind 2021, 1(1), 20-43; - 1 Nov 2021
Cited by 6 | Viewed by 3036
The introduction of doubly fed induction generators (DFIGs) has facilitated the utilization of wind energy to a great extent and constituted distributed generation (DG) systems in remote places. Therefore, long transmission lines are required to interconnect with the utility grid and, consequently, different [...] Read more.
The introduction of doubly fed induction generators (DFIGs) has facilitated the utilization of wind energy to a great extent and constituted distributed generation (DG) systems in remote places. Therefore, long transmission lines are required to interconnect with the utility grid and, consequently, different short-circuit faults interrupt this transmission. Use of different fault current limiters (FCLs) minimizes the effect of faults and allows normal operation with minimum interruption in power flow. In this study, a series-parallel resonance-type fault current limiter (SPRFCL) is presented for enhancing the low-voltage ride-through (LVRT) capability of DFIG-based wind farms. The SPRFCL preserves the nominal voltage and power quality within the permissible limit during normal operation and during disturbances irrespective of the type of fault. The effectiveness of the proposed SPRFCL is validated by simulating both symmetrical and asymmetrical faults. Alongside the SPRFCL, two state-of-the-art FCLs—the parallel resonance-type fault current limiter (PRFCL) and the capacitive bridge-type fault current limiter (CBFCL)—are considered to investigate and compare the relative performances. Several graphical and numerical studies assure the efficacy of the proposed SPRFCL in wind farm application in multiple aspect. Moreover, the stunning total harmonic distortion (THD) values with the proposed technique signifies the excellency over its competitors. Additionally, the sub-synchronous resonance (SSR) analysis confirms the supremacy of SPRFCL for series compensated lines. Full article
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20 pages, 26327 KiB  
Greenhouse Gas Savings Potential under Repowering of Onshore Wind Turbines and Climate Change: A Case Study from Germany
by Leon Sander, Christopher Jung and Dirk Schindler
Wind 2021, 1(1), 1-19; - 8 Sep 2021
Cited by 4 | Viewed by 4314
Wind energy is crucial in German energy and climate strategies as it substitutes carbon-intensive fossil fuels and achieves substantial greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions. However, wind energy deployment currently faces several problems: low expansion rates, wind turbines at the end of their service life, [...] Read more.
Wind energy is crucial in German energy and climate strategies as it substitutes carbon-intensive fossil fuels and achieves substantial greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions. However, wind energy deployment currently faces several problems: low expansion rates, wind turbines at the end of their service life, or the end of remuneration. Repowering is a vital strategy to overcome these problems. This study investigates future annual GHG payback times and emission savings of repowered wind turbines. In total, 96 repowering scenarios covering a broad range of climatological, technical, economic, and political factors affecting wind energy output in 2025–2049 were studied. The results indicate that due to more giant wind turbines and geographical restrictions, the amount of repowerable sites is reduced significantly. Consequently, in most scenarios, emission savings will dramatically diminish compared to current savings. Even in the best-case scenario, the highest emission savings’ growth is at 11%. The most meaningful drivers of GHG payback time and emission savings are wind turbine type, geographical restrictions, and GHG emissions. In contrast, climate change impact on the wind resource is only marginal. Although repowering alone is insufficient for achieving climate targets, it is a substantial part of the wind energy strategy. It could be improved by the synergies of different measures presented in this study. The results emphasize that a massive expansion of wind energy is required to establish it as a cornerstone of the future energy mix. Full article
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