Exploring Diversity among Grapevines Varieties (Vitis vinifera L.) in Ibiza and Formentera (Balearic Islands, Spain) Using Microsatellite Markers, Ampelographic Methods and an Ethnobotanical Approach
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Plant Material and Origin
2.2. Semi-Structured Interviews
2.3. Ampelographic Characterization
2.4. DNA Extraction and Microsatellite Analysis
2.5. Data Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Material Prospection, Ampelographic and Molecular Characterization
3.2. Identifications, Synonyms, and Homonyms
3.3. Putative Parentage Relationships
Progeny | Parent ID | Consistent Loci | Pair LOD Score | Published |
Santa Magdalena | Planta Fina de Pedralba | 26/26 | 8.42 × 1014 | [71] |
Beba | Hebén | 26/26 | 5.44 × 1014 | [70] |
Valencí tinto | Beba | 26/26 | 1.17 × 1015 | [71] |
Valencí tinto | Callet negrella | 26/26 | 9.93 × 1014 | Not published |
Quigat | Hebén | 26/26 | 5.60 × 1014 | [71] |
Moscatel de Alejandría (Moscatel de Málaga/Moscatel de Setúbal/Moscatel Graúdo) | Moscatel de grano menudo (Moscatel Morisco/Sárga muskotály) | 26/26 | 2.13 × 1015 | [70] |
Mansès de Tibbús | Mansès de cabdell | 26/26 | 1.51 × 1015 | Not published |
Callet negrella | Valencí tinto/Grumiere | 26/26 | 9.93 × 1014 | Not published |
Grec * | Beba | 26/26 | 6.02 × 1014 | Not published |
Grec * | Valencí tinto/Grumiere | 26/26 | 6.01 × 1014 | Not published |
Morzacà * | Hebén | 26/26 | 7.73 × 1014 | Not published |
Maçanet * | Hebén | 26/26 | 1.06 × 1015 | Not published |
VIEIV015-Maçanet * | Llora | 26/26 | 1.68 × 1015 | Not published |
Colló de gall * | Hebén | 26/26 | 9.51 × 1014 | Not published |
Danugue | Albaranzeuli bianco | 22/22 | 5.42 × 1014 | Not published |
3.4. Genetic Structure
4. Discussion
4.1. Possible Origin of the Studied Samples
4.2. Cultivar Analysis and Their Possible Origin
4.2.1. Traditional Balearic Cultivars
4.2.2. Spanish Cultivars
4.2.3. French Cultivars
4.2.4. New Identified Genotypes
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Plot Number | Municipalities, Island | No. of Plants Studied | Rootstock Used | Soil Type | Plant Management | Plant Age | Irrigation | Plot Type |
P1 | Sant Josep de sa Talaia, Ibiza | 15 | None | Silt soil | Double cordon | >40 years | No | Plot |
P2 | Sant Josep de sa Talaia, Ibiza | 8 | None | Silt soil | Double cordon | >40 years | No | Plot |
P3 | Sant Josep de sa Talaia, Ibiza | 9 | American rootstock | Silt soil | Double cordon | >40 years | No | Plot |
P4 | Santa Eulària des Riu, Ibiza | 17 | American rootstock | Clay soil | Goblet | >40 years | No | Vineyard |
P5 | Sant Josep de sa Talaia, Ibiza | 4 | None | Silt soil | Goblet | <10 years | Yes | Plot |
P6 | Sant Josep de sa Talaia, Ibiza | 4 | None | Silt soil | Goblet | >40 years | No | Plot |
P7 | Sant Josep de sa Talaia, Ibiza | 8 | None | Silt soil | Goblet | > 40 years | No | Plot |
P8 | Sant Josep de sa Talaia, Ibiza | 6 | None | Silt soil | Goblet | >40 years | No | Plot |
P9 | Sant Josep de sa Talaia, Ibiza | 2 | None | Silt soil | Goblet | >40 years | No | Vineyard |
P10 | Sant Josep de sa Talaia, Ibiza | 6 | None | Silt soil | Goblet | >40 years | No | Plot |
P11 | Formentera, Formentera | 26 | None | Silt soil | Double cordon | >40 years | No | Vineyard |
P12 | Formentera, Formentera | 4 | None | Silt soil | Goblet | >40 years | No | Vineyard |
Genotype Code | Accession Code | Island | Local Name | Prime Name * | Observation | VIVC Proposed Name |
GEN_0074 | VIEIV001 | Ibiza | Palop blanc | Beba | New synonym | Palop blanc |
GEN_0105 | VIEIV002 | Ibiza | Primerenc | Valencí tinto | New synonym | Primerenc |
GEN_0204 | VIEIV003 | Ibiza | Moscatell | Moscatel de Alejandría | Described synonym | - |
MEXT_0504 | VIEIV005 | Ibiza | Monestrell | Llora | New synonym | Monestrell |
GEN_0208 | VIEIV006 | Ibiza | Mamella de vaca | Ahmeur bou Ahmeur | New synonym/new homonym | Mamella de vaca |
GEN_0074 | VIEIV007 | Ibiza | Palop blanc | Beba | New synonym | Palop blanc |
MEXT_3954 | VIEIV008 | Ibiza | Morzacà | - | New found genotype | Morzacà |
MEXT_3940 | VIEIV009 | Ibiza | Grec | - | Homonym/New found genotype | Grec |
MEXT_3955 | VIEIV010 | Ibiza | Maçanet | - | New found genotype | Maçanet |
GEN_0022 | VIEIV011 | Ibiza | Sultanita | Sultanina | New synonym | Sultanina |
GEN_0881 | VIEIV012 | Ibiza | Fresa | Agawam | Misnaming; Vitis interspecific crossing | - |
GEN_0003 | VIEIV013 | Ibiza | Sant Jaume | Santa Magdalena | New synonym | Sant Jaume |
GEN_0575 | VIEIV014 | Ibiza | Ferrana | Danugue | New synonym | Ferrana |
MEXT_3957 | VIEIV015 | Ibiza | Maçanet | - | New found genotype | VIEIV015-Maçanet |
GEN_1259 | VIEIV016 | Ibiza | Giró | Callet negrella | Misnaming | - |
GEN_0104 | VIEIV017 | Ibiza | Fogoneu | Fogoneu | - | |
MEXT_3958 | VIEIV018 | Ibiza | Vermelleta | - | New found genotype | Vermelleta |
MEXT_3940 | VIEIV019 | Ibiza | Grec | - | Homonym/New found genotype | Grec |
GEN_0105 | VIEIV020 | Ibiza | Palop negre | Valencí tinto | New synonym | Palop negre |
GEN_0003 | VIEIV021 | Ibiza | Santa Margalida | Santa Magdalena | New synonym | Santa Margalida |
MEXT_0504 | VIEIV022 | Ibiza | Monestrell de xingló | Llora | New synonym | Monestrell |
MEXT_0504 | VIEIV023 | Ibiza | Monestrell d’Alger | Llora | New synonym | Monestrell |
MEXT_3955 | VIEIV024 | Ibiza | Blanqueta | - | Misnaming/New found genotype | Maçanet |
MEXT_3959 | VIEIV025 | Ibiza | Colló de gall | - | New found genotype | Colló de gall |
GEN_0074 | VIEIV026 | Ibiza | Palop vermell | Beba roja | Somatic mutation | - |
GEN_0575 | VIEIV027 | Ibiza | Ferrana | Danugue | New synonym | Ferrana |
MEXT_3955 | VIEIV028 | Ibiza | Maçanet | - | New found genotype | Maçanet |
MEXT_3955 | VIFOR001 | Formentera | Moscatel | - | Misnaming | Maçanet |
GEN_0391 | VIFOR002 | Formentera | Batista | Mansès de Tibbús | Misnaming | - |
GEN_0018 | VIFOR003 | Formentera | Garnatxa blanca | Garnacha tinta | Somatic mutation | - |
GEN_0062 | VIFOR004 | Formentera | Fogoneu | Tinto velasco | Misnaming | - |
MEXT_0504 | VIFOR005 | Formentera | Monestrell | Llora | New synonym | Monestrell |
GEN_0575 | VIFOR006 | Formentera | Palop negre | Danugue | Misnaming | - |
MEXT_3940 | VIFOR007 | Formentera | Palop blanc | - | Misnaming/New found genotype | Grec |
MEXT_3955 | VIFOR008 | Formentera | Mancet | - | Misnaming | Maçanet |
GEN_0111 | VIFOR009 | Formentera | Grec | Quigat | Misnaming | - |
Offspring ID | First Candidate ID | Pair LOD Score | Second Candidate ID | Pair LOD Score | Trio Loci Mismatching | Trio LOD Score | Published |
Fogoneu | Mansès de cabdell | 2.26 × 1015 | Excursac | 2.40 × 1015 | 0 | 4.89 × 1015 | [26] |
Callet negrella | Beba | 2.00 × 1015 | Giró sardo | 2.10 × 1015 | 0 | 4.44 × 1015 | [26] |
Maçanet | Hebén | 2.05 × 1015 | Cigenera | 2.33 × 1015 | 0 | 5.34 × 1015 | Not published |
Colló de gall | Hebén | 2.21 × 1015 | Breval negro | 2.19 × 1015 | 0 | 5.10 × 1015 | Not published |
Cultivar | Cited in |
Beba | [19,20,21,26,27,67,77] |
Callet negrella | [19,21,26] |
Fresa | [19] |
Fogoneu | [19,20,21,26,27,77,78] |
Quigat | [19,20,21,26,27,77] |
Llora | [28,67,77] |
Moscatel de Alejandría | [19,27,77] |
Mansès de Tibbús | [19,21,27] |
Santa Magdalena | [21,26,27,28,77] |
Sultanina | [19,27] |
Tinto velasco | [27,77] |
Valencí tinto | [19,21,27,77] |
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Share and Cite
González, R.; Vargas, A.M.; Garnatje, T.; Vallès, J.; de Andrés, M.T. Exploring Diversity among Grapevines Varieties (Vitis vinifera L.) in Ibiza and Formentera (Balearic Islands, Spain) Using Microsatellite Markers, Ampelographic Methods and an Ethnobotanical Approach. Horticulturae 2023, 9, 1307. https://doi.org/10.3390/horticulturae9121307
González R, Vargas AM, Garnatje T, Vallès J, de Andrés MT. Exploring Diversity among Grapevines Varieties (Vitis vinifera L.) in Ibiza and Formentera (Balearic Islands, Spain) Using Microsatellite Markers, Ampelographic Methods and an Ethnobotanical Approach. Horticulturae. 2023; 9(12):1307. https://doi.org/10.3390/horticulturae9121307
Chicago/Turabian StyleGonzález, Raquel, Alba María Vargas, Teresa Garnatje, Joan Vallès, and María Teresa de Andrés. 2023. "Exploring Diversity among Grapevines Varieties (Vitis vinifera L.) in Ibiza and Formentera (Balearic Islands, Spain) Using Microsatellite Markers, Ampelographic Methods and an Ethnobotanical Approach" Horticulturae 9, no. 12: 1307. https://doi.org/10.3390/horticulturae9121307
APA StyleGonzález, R., Vargas, A. M., Garnatje, T., Vallès, J., & de Andrés, M. T. (2023). Exploring Diversity among Grapevines Varieties (Vitis vinifera L.) in Ibiza and Formentera (Balearic Islands, Spain) Using Microsatellite Markers, Ampelographic Methods and an Ethnobotanical Approach. Horticulturae, 9(12), 1307. https://doi.org/10.3390/horticulturae9121307