The Panoramic View of Ecuadorian Soil Nutrients (Deficit/Toxicity) from Different Climatic Regions and Their Possible Influence on the Metabolism of Important Crops
:1. Introduction
2. The Climate in Ecuador
- Coastal Climate. This region has a tropical or equatorial climate, whose average annual temperature varies between 22 and 26 °C. It is characterized by constant rainfall unevenly in different places and throughout the year; the main rainy months are between December and mid-May, a period considered winter. This inequality in rainfall is due to the effect of the marine currents of Humboldt and El Niño. Mainly, two major climatic zones of the Ecuadorian Coast are considered: hot-cool-dry and hot-hot-humid;
- Andean Climate. The climate of the Andean region is very varied, due to the presence of the Andes Mountain range and the winds that blow through the valleys and plains. The following climates, known as climatic floors or steps, are located in this region: tropical Andean, subtropical Andean, temperate, cold, and glacial;
- Amazonian Climate. In this region, the climate is the same as that of the internal coast—hot, hot-humid. The temperature varies between 22 and 26 °C. This region is the wettest region of the country being an area subject to abundant precipitation (>3.000 mm/year). The flanks of the Andes form a densely cloudy area because large masses of steam from the Atlantic and the Amazon jungle condense.
3. Agricultural Soils of the Ecuadorian Regions
3.1. Soil Characteristics of the Coastal Region
3.2. Soil Characteristics of the Andean Region
- (a)
- Cold peaks of the Andean Mountain ranges, with inherited landscapes and paramo landscapes with cold or very cold climates and daily night frosts, with volcanic cones of different ages and little evolved black soils with high contents of organic matter. The climate does not favor agricultural activity, but these areas are used for extensive and localized sheep grazing;
- (b)
- External slopes of the Andes, with vigorous and highly dissected modeling on various ancient rocks. The climate is humid to very humid with the presence of heavy cloud cover, conditions that have favored the formation of perennial arboreal zones. The soils are ferralitic with a partial cover of recent volcanic ash and are rejuvenated by erosion;
- (c)
- Inter-Andean basins in the north of the Sierra with volcano-sedimentary fills, where the volcanic morphogenesis promoted by the presence of large recent and active stratovolcanoes is evident. The soils in this area have developed widespread pyroclastic coatings and are subject to intense agricultural activity;
- (d)
- Inter-Andean basins in the center of the Sierra with ancient, volcanic, and metamorphic basements, where there are no volcanoes or recent pyroclastic coatings. The area is fragmented into two sets of parallel sedimentary basins whose coverage is distributed in a topo-climo sequence where the soils of the upper part are ferralitic, often humiferous, those of the middle zone are moderately evolved with mollic or vertic characteristics, and those of the lower zone are little evolved;
- (e)
- Indentations and inter-Andean River valleys with relatively rich alluvial soils in the valleys and on which there is diversified agricultural activity;
- (f)
- Reliefs of the Sierra Austral of ferralitic-fersialitic soils, located in a paleo-topo-climo-edaphological sequence of large valleys and orthogonal depressions where the climatic stratification from humid to arid is clear.
3.3. Soil Characteristics of the Amazonian Region
4. Main Crops of Commercial Interest Cultivated in Ecuador
4.1. Banana (Musa sp.)
4.2. Cocoa (Theobroma cacao)
4.3. African Palm (Elaeis guneensis Jacq.)
5. Soil Characteristics Necessary for the Optimum Cultivation of Crops
5.1. Banana
5.2. Cacao
5.3. African Palm
6. Nutritional Composition of Agricultural Soils
7. Importance of Nutrients in the Plant Metabolome
7.1. Antioxidants as Plant Defense Systems
7.2. Plant Diseases Caused by a Deficit or Excess of Nutrients in Soil
8. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Soil Orders | Characteristics |
Alfisols |
Andisols |
Aridisols |
Entisols |
Histosols (peats) |
Inceptisols |
Mollisols |
Oxisols |
Ultisols |
Crops | Edaphic Characteristics | Climatic Factors |
Banana |
Cocoa |
African palm |
Nutrient | Plant-Usable Form | Average Concentration in Plant Tissue | Biochemical Functions |
Nutrients that are part of carbon compounds | |||
N | 1.50% | Constituent of amino acids, amides, proteins, nucleic acids, nucleotides, coenzymes, hexoamines, etc. | |
S | 0.10% | Component of cysteine, cystine, methionine, proteins, lipoic acid, biotin, coenzyme A, adenosine-5′-phosphosulphate, glutathione | |
Nutrients that are important in energy storage or structural integrity | |||
P | 0.20% | Component of sugar phosphates, nucleic acids, nucleotides, coenzymes, phospholipids, phytic acid, etc. Has a key role in reactions that involve ATP | |
B | 20 mg/Kg | Complexes with mannitol, mannan, polymannuronic acid; constituents of cell walls; involved in cell elongation, nucleic acid metabolism | |
Si | Deposited as amorphous silica in cell walls; contributes to cell wall mechanical properties (rigidity and elasticity) | ||
Nutrients that remain in ionic form | |||
K | 1.00% | Required as a cofactor for more than 40 enzymes, cation used in establishing cell turgor | |
Ca | 0.50% | Constituent of the middle lamella of cell walls; second messenger in metabolic regulation; cofactor by some enzymes involved in ATP hydrolysis and phospholipids | |
Mg | 0.20% | Required by many enzymes involved in phosphate transfer. Constituent of the chlorophyll molecule | |
Cl | 100 mg/Kg | Required for the photosynthetic reactions involved in O2 evolution | |
Mn | 20 mg/Kg | Required for activity of some dehydrogenases, decarboxylases, kinases, oxidases, and peroxidases. Involved with other cation-activated enzymes and photosynthetic O2 evolution | |
Na | Involved with the regeneration of phosphoenolpyruvate in C4 and CAM plants.Substitutes for potassium in some functions | ||
Nutrients that are involved in redox reactions | |||
Fe | 100 mg/Kg | Constituent of cytochromes and non-haem iron proteins involved in photosynthesis, N2 fixation, and respiration | |
Zn | 20 mg/Kg | Constituent of alcohol dehydrogenase, glutamic dehydrogenase, carbonic anhydrase, etc. | |
Cu | 5 mg/Kg | Component of ascorbic acid oxidase, tyrosinase, monoamine oxidase, uricase, cytochrome oxidase, phenolase, laccase, and plastocyanin | |
Mo | 0.1 mg/Kg | Constituent of nitrogenase, nitrate reductase, and xanthine dehydrogenase | |
Ni | 0.1 mg/Kg | Constituent of urease. In N2-fixing bacteria, constituent of hydrogenases | |
H | 6% | ||
O | 45% | ||
C | 45% |
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Share and Cite
Mihai, R.A.; Melo Heras, E.J.; Terán Maza, V.A.; Espinoza Caiza, I.A.; Pinto Valdiviezo, E.A.; Catana, R.D. The Panoramic View of Ecuadorian Soil Nutrients (Deficit/Toxicity) from Different Climatic Regions and Their Possible Influence on the Metabolism of Important Crops. Toxics 2023, 11, 123.
Mihai RA, Melo Heras EJ, Terán Maza VA, Espinoza Caiza IA, Pinto Valdiviezo EA, Catana RD. The Panoramic View of Ecuadorian Soil Nutrients (Deficit/Toxicity) from Different Climatic Regions and Their Possible Influence on the Metabolism of Important Crops. Toxics. 2023; 11(2):123.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMihai, Raluca A., Erly J. Melo Heras, Vanessa A. Terán Maza, Iván A. Espinoza Caiza, Eliza A. Pinto Valdiviezo, and Rodica D. Catana. 2023. "The Panoramic View of Ecuadorian Soil Nutrients (Deficit/Toxicity) from Different Climatic Regions and Their Possible Influence on the Metabolism of Important Crops" Toxics 11, no. 2: 123.
APA StyleMihai, R. A., Melo Heras, E. J., Terán Maza, V. A., Espinoza Caiza, I. A., Pinto Valdiviezo, E. A., & Catana, R. D. (2023). The Panoramic View of Ecuadorian Soil Nutrients (Deficit/Toxicity) from Different Climatic Regions and Their Possible Influence on the Metabolism of Important Crops. Toxics, 11(2), 123.