1. Introduction
be a positive Radon measure on
be its Laplace transform and
be its effective domain. Let us assume that
; then, the natural exponential family (NEF) generated by
is the set
of probability distributions defined by
is real, analytic and strictly concave on
; and
, is the
j-th cumulant of
. In particular, the mean and variance of
are given by
, respectively. As
is strictly concave on
, the mean domain
is an open interval; inverse map
is one to one; and its inverse function
is well defined. Let us denote
; then, the pair
is called the variance function (VF) of
. The VF uniquely determines
within the class of NEFs (see an appropriate survey in [
is said to have a power variance function (hereafter, NEF-PVF) if
V has the form of
, for some constants
and power parameter
. The class of NEF-PVFs has been introduced independently and in different contexts by [
4]. In this context, comprehensive details can be found in [
5]. Despite the fact that all of the NEF-PVFs are often referred to as Tweedie class, for the reasons explained in [
5] (and already adopted in [
7]), we shall henceforth call them the Tweedie, Bar-Lev and Enis models and use the notation
to indicate that random variable
X has a distribution that belongs to the
model with mean
, scale parameter
a and power parameter
. Finally, argument
will be skipped when unnecessary, and we will write
models constitute a huge (uncountable) class, as for each power parameter,
, there corresponds a natural exponential family member, while for
, no NEF exists. Depending on the value of power parameter
, NEF-PVFs include, as special cases (see for instance [
8]), normal (
), Poisson-type (
) and gamma (
) NEFs; the family of compound Poisson distributions generated by gamma variates (
); NEFs generated by positive stable distributions with stable index in
and supported on
); and NEFs generated by extreme stable distributions with stable index in
and supported on
). Among the NEFs with
, we find the inverse Gaussian (
), modified Bessel-type (
) and Whittaker-type (
) distributions.
models have been utilized in various fields, such as actuarial studies, assay analysis, survival analysis, time spent splicing telephone cables, ecology and meteorology (see [
10] and the references cited therein), it is important to test the hypothesis that a given sample stems from a
model with some
In this paper, we propose a novel goodness-of-fit (gof) test for
distributions for any fixed power parameter
. The test is based on a cumulant-based relationship existing among all members of
models, for
. These cumulant-based relationships were obtained by [
12] as a characterization of any member of the
class with
. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to utilize these characterization properties for developing gof tests that hold for all members of
. Admittedly, a large number of tests have been proposed for
(gamma) and
(inverse Gaussian). On the other hand, we do not know of any test for
, where
(except for
. The latter
are generated by either extreme stable distributions (
) and are supported on
or positive stable distributions (
) and are supported on
. In both cases, the respective densities are unimodal, leptokurtic and absolutely continuous with respect to the Lebesgue measure. Therefore, they are suitable candidates for modeling continuous data. Unlike the normal, gamma and inverse Gaussian NEFs, however, these stable densities cannot be expressed in terms of elementary functions but rather in terms of series expansion. For instance, for any fixed
, the corresponding density of the corresponding
model is given by (see [
For some rational values of
) the corresponding densities in (
2) can be expressed in terms of transcendental functions, e.g., the modified Bessel distribution (
) and the Whittaker-type distribution (
). Series expansions similar to (
2) are also available for stable densities of
), which are supported on
. The complexity of the series expansion form of the
models generated by stable densities could be the reason why these have not been used for any statistical modeling purposes. Fortunately, nowadays, the availability of powerful software allows the cumbersome calculations of various functionals related to these densities to be conducted. Indeed, our proposed gof test for TBE models might be an important step for employing them in the statistical modeling and analysis of continuous sets of data.
The paper is organized as follows:
Section 2 presents the cumulant-based relationships existing among
models, for
, and also some basic tools needed for constructing the proposed gof test. It should be noted that for any fixed permissible power parameter
, the cumulant relation that we use for constructing our proposed gof tests characterizes the corresponding
Section 3 introduces the proposed gof test. In particular, it presents the test statistic, its asymptotic null distribution and a bootstrap approximation. As the goal of the paper is mainly theoretical, i.e., introducing gof tests for all
models with
, we exemplify its applicability to only two models of the TBE class. These two models are the gamma and modified Bessel NEFs. Specifically,
Section 4.1 exemplifies its applicability to the gamma NEF with respect to various alternatives and existing tests. The performance of the gof test is investigated with a simulation study. In particular, its performance in terms of controlling the type I error rate is examined, while its power performance is also evaluated. In
Section 4.2, we demonstrate its applicability to the modified Bessel NEF, and we investigate the nominal level attainment and compute the respective
p-values for two real data sets. Obviously, similar applications can be executed for all other
models with
. Concluding remarks and some open problems are introduced in
Section 5. All proofs of statements (theorems and corollaries) in this paper are relegated to
Appendix A.
In the sequel, we use the following notation: Let be a random sample of size n taken from a population with distribution F, where ,..., are i.i.d.; let be the sample mean and , . We also denote, with , the i−th cumulant, associated with F. Let us recall that cumulant can be obtained by differentiating the cumulant-generating function i times and evaluating the result at zero.
2. TBE Cumulant Relationships among Models and Some Testing Tools
A common approach to constructing gof tests is to utilize a characterization of the members of the family of distributions being considered. In this frame, the members of the
models satisfy the following propositions, some of which characterize these models (see [
12]). The proof of Proposition 1 can be found in [
11] for
and in
Section 3 of [
12] for
. The proof of Proposition 2 can be conducted by utilizing tools available in [
13]. We omit the proof of Proposition 2, as it is long and entirely not essential for the development of the results of this paper.
Proposition 1. If X, with , then where is the j-th cumulant of the corresponding and Proposition 2. Let us assume that X is an r.v. of a distribution in the NEF class of distributions. Then, for any , property (3) in Proposition 1 holds if and only if . Remark 1. Note that , representing the normal distribution, is excluded from the statement of Proposition 1 as it does not satisfy relation (3). Other cumulant-based relations hold for the normal NEF as , where ; ; and . Accordingly, our gof test does not hold for the normal NEF. Proposition 1 implies that if relation (
3) does not hold for
, then the sample is not taken from
. For instance, for the gamma distribution with shape parameter
and rate parameter
, the first three cumulants are given by
which results in
is equal to 0 if and only if
. Moreover, for the inverse Gaussian distribution with mean
and shape parameter
, one has
and thus
if and only if
. Finally, for the Poisson distribution with parameter
, since
, we have
if and only if
The reverse statement is obviously incorrect if
F is not an NEF, i.e., there exist distributions
F not in the NEF class for which
. For instance, let us consider
F to be a lognormal distribution
with p.d.f. of the form
Then (see [
in which case,
. A special case of this situation is when
. Then,
, while the lognormal family is not an NEF (note that
holds for Whittaker-type NEFs). This example illustrates that if
F is not an NEF; then, the relationship
does not characterize the distribution involved.
As relation (
, characterizes an NEF within the class of NEFs, a test for a null hypothesis in which
against a general alternative can be based on any estimator of
. Nonetheless, as an unbiased estimator of
has a cumbersome form, we shall restrict our study to the case
. For ease of notation, we shall henceforth denote
and its unbiased estimator with
Indeed, an unbiased estimator
has the following polynomial structure (see [
Note that the summations in (
10) and (
11) are taken over all distinct indices
. Here,
stand for double, triple and fourth summations, respectively.
An alternative form of (
9) in terms of
, is the following [
Based on the above, the following theorem, which follows from [
9] and [
4], provides an unbiased estimator of
as well as a characterization for TBE
models with
Theorem 1. Let us assume that a distribution F possesses a finite third moment and let be a random sample of size taken from F. Then, for any fixed the following two properties hold:
(i) The polynomial statistic given in (9) is an unbiased estimator of . (ii) has zero regression on iff F is a TBE model.
Remark 2. Part (ii) of Theorem 4 provides equivalent conditions under which a general family of distributions F is a TBE model. If, however, one confines F to be an NEF, then for any fixed , F is a TBE iff (this can be proved by using the tools in [11,12,13]). In the next section, we utilize the properties of for constructing a gof test for TBE models.
3. The Proposed Gof Test: Test Statistic, Asymptotic Null Distribution
and Bootstrap Approximation
In this section, we propose and study a novel gof test for distributions for any fixed .
In this frame, let
be a sample of size
from a distribution with c.d.f.
F with finite third moment and positive mean (first cumulant). We propose a general method for testing the null hypothesis that the sample is stemming from a
, with fixed
, versus the alternative that the sample is not taken from a
, i.e.,
versus the alternative
Clearly, various gof tests for
(i.e., Poisson, gamma and inverse Gaussian, respectively) are available in the literature, whereas none exist for any
As [
15] pointed out, characterization theorems or properties can be natural and effective starting points for constructing gof tests and are essential for assessing the validity of distributional models. It seems that the first idea of constructing gof tests based on a characterization of a distribution in the realm of the null hypotheses is due to [
16] (see [
17]). However, the earliest explicit use of a characterization theorem for constructing a gof test was presented by [
18], who used Shannon’s maximum entropy characterization to construct a test for a composite hypothesis of normality. Now, there are extensive literature studies dealing with gof tests based on various types of characterizations. We will mention only a few relevant papers; for example, see [
25] and the references therein.
3.1. Test Statistic
Here, we utilize relation (
3) and the characterization properties given in Theorem 1 to construct a gof test. The test deals with a composite
hypothesis. More specifically, if
, then for testing (
12) versus (
13), we expect that the values of
should be close to 0. Accordingly, one should reject (
12) for large absolute values of
or for large values of
The justification of such a criterion is demonstrated in the next subsection.
3.2. Asymptotic Behavior of the Test Statistic
Here, we investigate the asymptotic behavior of test statistic , as .
Theorem 2. Let X be a random variable with finite third moment and positive first cumulant and be n independent copies of X. Then, where denotes the almost sure convergence.
Note that , so under the null hypothesis, we have the following:
Corollary 1. Let be i.i.d. r.v.s taken from , then Hence, the null hypothesis that F is should be rejected for large values of . As the exact distribution of is rather intricate, we derive its asymptotic distribution. The next theorem determines the asymptotic null distribution of .
Theorem 3. Suppose that F has finite sixth moments. Then, under the null hypothesis (12), where denotes a convergence in distribution, denotes a chi-squared distribution with one degree of freedom and with , .
The power of the test depends on the value of , which in turn depends on the particular combination of the true F and the value of the null hypothesis. If the null hypothesis is true, i.e., if , then . If it is not true and F is still an NEF distribution, then is strictly positive, implying that the test is consistent (see Proposition 2). This particularly holds in the special case where for some . However, if F is not an NEF, then may still be zero in some specific combinations of truth and null hypothesis.
Some examples representing different scenarios are explicitly derived in
Section 2 following Propositions 1 and 2. For
F corresponding to a Poisson, gamma or inverse Gaussian distribution (which are all in TBE), it is shown that the only
is given by
, respectively. In the case where
F is a lognormal (which is not in TBE), it is shown that
. Hence, in the first three cases, the test is consistent, but it is not for the lognormal with parameters
as the latter would result in a low-power test when testing
(the Whittaker-type NEF), since
Remark 3. Theorem 3 presents the general result concerning the asymptotic null distribution of for testing the goodness-of-fit when the random sample is from a Note that the limiting distribution depends on M, given in (18), where M depends on and the first six moments of . The latter moments depend on ν—the vector of unknown parameters of . Hence, we write . Special cases of can easily be obtained for each of the specific values of . For example, for , is the family of gamma distributions with shape parameter a and rate parameter b, in which case, ; thus, The computation of and thus of M given in (18) can be simply conducted for any model as follows: For simplicity, let us assume (i.e., the corresponding is an NEF-PVF generated by a positive stable distribution with VF ). Thus, for any fixed such depends on ν = Let ; then, the moment-generating function of X is derived (as shown in [3] (Equation 2.4)) as where and . The components of μ can now be computed using where and is some mapping.
The use of the asymptotic null distribution given in Theorem 3 for testing purposes requires a consistent estimator of M (see Remark 3). Such an estimator can be obtained by estimating with the maximum likelihood estimators (MLEs) of . We denote such MLEs with and . Of course, alternatively, M could be estimated using its consistent moment estimator. However, based on a small simulation conducted, we found that this moment estimator is unstable and lacks efficiency, due to the use of six empirical moments. Therefore, in what follows, we only consider the MLE as an estimator of M.
Based on observed sample data ,...,, the previous asymptotic results can be used to obtain p-values for the proposed test as is outlined by the following procedure:
- 1.
Use relations (
14) and (
9) to compute test statistic
. Denote its observed value with
- 2.
Under the null hypothesis of compute the MLEs and of and , respectively.
- 3.
Approximate the
p-value of the test using the relation
denotes the cumulative distribution function of the chi-squared distribution with one degree of freedom.
3.3. Bootstrap Approximation
One can also approximate the p-value and the critical points using a parametric bootstrap approach. More specifically, we shall apply this approach with the following procedure:
- 1.
Follow steps 1 and 2 of the pervious procedure.
- 2.
For some large integer B, repeat the following steps for every :
- (a)
Generate a bootstrap sample ,..., from with parameter .
- (b)
Based on the bootstrap sample, calculate the bootstrap version of test statistic
- 3.
Approximate the p-value with and the critical point with , where and is the ceiling function.
4. Numerical Studies of Gamma and Modified
Bessel-Type NEFs
While the goal of the paper is mainly theoretical, i.e., introducing gof tests for models, we illustrate, in this section, its applicability to two models of the TBE class: the gamma () and modified Bessel-type () NEFs. This is dealt with in the next two subsections. Applications to other members will be discussed in a future study.
4.1. A Simulation Study of the Gamma NEF
Obviously, many various gof tests have been carried out for the well-used gamma distribution. In this subsection, we assess the performance of our proposed gof test and compare it with some other existing tests. The comparison is made in terms of type I error rate and test power. For this, we executed simulations using statistical computing environment R, while the respective analysis was conducted at a nominal level. Appropriate alternative distributions and competitive tests are outlined in the sequel.
The density of gamma distribution
, with shape parameter
and rate parameter
, is
with mean
and variance
Based on the previous section, we considered the test statistic obtained with
using relations (
14) and (
9) in the case of
, while
M, determined with relation (
19), was unknown and estimated using the MLE.
In order to assess the performance of our proposed gof test in terms of type I error rate, samples, each of size , were drawn from a distribution. The chosen parameter values were = , , , , (0.5,2). The power performance of the test was investigated by generating samples, each of size , 100, from the following alternatives:
The inverse Gaussian distribution, denoted with
with density
are the mean, shape parameter and variance, respectively. The
distribution is extensively used for modeling non-negative, right-skewed data in different fields of applied research (see, for instance, Refs [
27] and references therein). In this frame, data from
, for
were considered.
Lognormal distribution
with density
Data from with , , , , , , , were considered, where the last setting corresponds to the lognormal distribution with mean e and variance .
Half-Cauchy distribution
with density
Beta distribution
with density
for parameter values
Pareto distribution
with density
for parameter values
Shifted-Pareto distribution with density
The competitiveness of our proposed gof test was compared with the following existing test statistics:
Test statistic
, where
n is the sample size and
is a tuning parameter. This test statistic was recently proposed by [
28]. The corresponding test belongs to a class of weighted L2-type tests of fit to the gamma distribution. They are based on a fixed point property of a transformation connected to a Steinian characterization of the family of gamma distributions.
Test statistics
, where
n is the sample size and
is a tuning parameter, proposed by [
29]. The corresponding tests belong to a class of gof tests for the gamma distribution that utilizes the empirical Laplace transform.
The test statistic proposed by [
30], which is based on the ratio of two variance estimators. It is denoted in the sequel with
By taking into account the recommendations given by [
29], we chose
as representatives for the simulation study, where the test proposed by [
30] was implemented using the function
gamma_test in the R package
goft. Finally, each of the tests under discussion was implemented using parametric bootstrap with B = 1000 bootstrap samples.
The results are listed in
Table 1 and
Table 2, where the best performing tests with respect to the power—for each distribution and sample size—are highlighted in bold face for easy reference. Graphical representations of these results are provided in
Figure 1 and
Figure 2. In these tables and graphs, we use the abbreviations Asym and Btstr for asymptotic and bootstrap, respectively.
According to the results, we conclude the following:
The empirical size of the test proposed in this paper got closer to the nominal level of 0.05 as the sample size increased.
The empirical power of the tests increased, as expected, as the sample size increased.
No test yielded the highest power against all alternatives analyzed, i.e., no test showed uniform superiority over the others, as indeed was expected according to the theoretical results in [
For the model, the larger was, the better the performance of our gof test was with respect to the other tests considered in the simulation study. However, for the remaining alternative distributions, tests and performed better than the proposed test.
4.2. Numerical Examples for the Modified Bessel-Type NEF
In this subsection, we consider some numerical studies in which we applied the gof test to the modified Bessel NEF. These include a simulation study to assess nominal level attainment as well as the analysis of two real data sets. We re-emphasize the point that to the best of our knowledge, it is the first time that a gof test is proposed for such an NEF.
The modified Bessel densities can be either expressed with the modified Bessel function of the second kind of order
or with the series expansion given in (
Its density series expansion is given by
where its log-likelihood based on a random sample
of size
n has the form
The maximum likelihood estimators of parameters
a are obtained as the solution of a system of two equations based on the partial derivatives of the log-likelihood function,
For references on this density, see p. 155 in [
32] and [
33]. Surprisingly enough, this density has various applications in diffusion and queuing theories (c.f., [
We begin with a small-scale simulation study to assess type 1 error attainment (for nominal level
) under the modified Bessel distribution. We considered six different choices of
, where
is the mean and
is the dispersion. In the bootstrap setting, B = 1000 Monte Carlo samples were generated. The results are provided in
Table 3. We observed that the nominal level attainment improved as
n increased and was better for the bootstrap version than for the asymptotic version. We leave a detailed assessment of the test power to further research and turn instead to real data examples.
The first considered data set represents the marks of slow-pace students in mathematics in the final 2003 examination at IIT Kanpur [
35]. The second data set, used by [
36], is the vinyl chloride data obtained from clean-up gradient-monitoring wells in mg/L. The data sets, which were recently analyzed by [
37], are displayed in
Table 4. Some basic summary statistics are provided in
Table 5, indicating considerable skewness to the right.
p-values for the test statistic in the special case of
for these two data sets are given in
Table 6. These
p-values indicate that for these data sets, the null hypothesis of the modified Bessel distribution should not be rejected.
5. Conclusions
In this manuscript, we were interested in testing the hypothesis that a given distribution corresponds to a specific model, for fixed and unspecified population parameters. Goodness-of-fit tests are typically based on characterization properties. In our developments, the property , as displayed in Propositions 1 and 2, is based on existing relations among the first three cumulants (when using ) of the null distribution. We demonstrate how can be estimated and that its squared value produces a statistic that asymptotically approximates 0 under the null hypothesis and whose null distribution is a (scaled) chi-squared distribution with one degree of freedom. The scaling factor depends on distributional moments of the true distribution and needs to be estimated using the data at hand, for instance, with maximum likelihood. While the asymptotic chi-squared property allows the computation of theoretical critical values for the test problem of interest to be performed, we also developed a bootstrap version of the test and demonstrated in our simulation study that this leads to better power and nominal level attainment than those obtained with its theoretical counterpart. Under all of the scenarios, the nominal level attainments and powers increased as the sample size increased.
When the null distribution was gamma, we found that the empirical size of the test proposed in this paper got closer to the nominal level of as the sample size increased, while the empirical power of the test increased, as expected, as the sample size increased. Compared with existing gof tests, it is concluded that for the alternative, the test proposed in this paper performs better as the value of gets larger. However, for the remaining alternative distributions considered, the existing tests perform better than the test proposed here. Finally, a detailed simulation study for the special case of modified Bessel and Whittaker distribution, i.e., when , is a problem to be investigated in further research.
It is entirely not our claim that our proposed gof test performs uniformly better than any other test—an impossible mission that cannot be claimed or accomplished by any other test. Our gof test, however, is applicable to any member of the huge and uncountable class of the models—the vast majority of which have not even been considered in the literature for any statistical modeling. The gamma distribution example considered in this paper is only presented to demonstrate the wide applicability of our proposed gof test.
It is our deep belief that models will be well utilized in the near future for various statistical modeling purposes. Our proposed gof test establishes at least one step in this direction.