‘The Subversion of Dialects’: Changing Attitudes towards Rural Varieties of Galician
:1. Introduction
2. Objectives and Methodology
3. The Regime of Galician Standardisation
4. Gheada, Seseo, and Oral Standard
5. Methodology Description
5.1. Matched-Guise Design and Implementation
5.2. The Sample
6. Results
6.1. Use of (h) and (s) across Generations and Real-Time
6.2. Intergenerational Transmission of (h) and (s)
6.3. Language Attitudes
6.3.1. Results for H1–H3
6.3.2. Results for H4 and H6
7. Discussion and Conclusions
7.1. Gheada and Seseo as Rural Indexes
7.2. Gheada and Seseo: Between Inheritance and Choice
7.3. Gheada and Seseo: Between SLIs and VLIs
- i.
- The situation of Galician as a language dominated by Castilian, which favours the Castilian = status/Galician = solidarity dichotomy in collective representations.
- ii.
- The standard = status/dialects = solidarity opposition within Galician itself, activated after decades of planning and linguistic policies that favoured its prestige and social position.
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
1 | Selection is the creation of a standard variety from one or more social or geographical varieties. Codification is the establishment of a phonetical, grammatical and lexical norm and its fixation through prescriptive texts and schooling. Finally, elaboration modifies the standard to meet the increasing needs of modern society and to extend its functions. |
2 | Soukoup tries to reconcile the traditional technique of measuring attitudes with the constructivist perspective. She re-conceptualises the research object as ‘speaker appraisal’ and argues for the need to contextualise traditional applications of attitude measurement. She also believes that there is no need to mask the voices, as demonstrated by her alternative ‘open-guise’ technique. |
3 | http://haicu.blogspot.com/ (accessed on 12 January 2024). |
4 | Source: Fobos92 (https://acortar.link/ry5uiU) (accessed on 12 January 2024). In grey zones, Spanish dialects are spoken. |
5 | Source: Fobos92 (https://acortar.link/um7sOb) (accessed on 12 January 2024). In grey zones, Spanish dialects are spoken. |
6 | https://acortar.link/N4gEJ9 (accessed on 12 January 2024). |
7 | In Silverstein’s (2003) model, the indexicality of linguistic units is organised in strata or layers, which he calls “orders” (n-1st order, n-2d order, etc.). The term “order” does not necessarily presuppose linearity. Any indexical (n-th) order of a linguistic token is mediated by ideology. Its use can be interpreted metapragmatically in relation to its contextual appropriateness (n-1st order of indexicality), but also to its signalling of stereotypical characteristics of speakers evaluated positively or negatively by the community (education, culture, rudeness, refinement, etc.). In this case, we would be dealing with second-order indexicality, which is closely linked to linguistic change. |
8 | https://acortar.link/yDF8o6 (accessed on 13 February 2024). |
9 | Source: Wikipedia (https://bit.ly/3eZn67y) (accessed on 12 January 2024). |
10 | https://acortar.link/PDSJEZ (accessed on 13 February 2024). |
11 | https://bit.ly/3oswfYZ (accessed on 13 February 2024). |
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Population | Economy | S-2000 | S-2015 | N | % | |
Muros | 8250 | Fishing | 67 | 23 | 90 | 21.8 |
Padrón | 8350 | Small-scale industry | 59 | 27 | 86 | 20.8 |
Negreira | 6900 | Agrarian | 48 | 26 | 74 | 17.9 |
Santiago | 98,700 | Tourism Administrative services | 62 | 22 | 84 | 20.3 |
Vigo | 293,600 | Industry, fishing | 49 | 29 | 78 | 18.9 |
Total | 285 | 127 | 412 | 100% |
Muros | Padrón | Negreira | Santiago | Vigo | |
Only Spanish | 11.1 | 10.5 | 8.1 | 27.4 | 30.8 |
More Spanish | 10.0 | 23.3 | 13.5 | 58.3 | 65.4 |
More Galician | 32.2 | 27.9 | 32.4 | 9.5 | 3.8 |
Only Galician | 46.7 | 38.4 | 45.9 | 4.8 |
S-2000 | S-2015 | |
Only Spanish | 14.4 | 24.4 |
More Spanish | 35.1 | 30.7 |
More Galician | 22.5 | 18.9 |
Only Galician | 28.1 | 26.0 |
Highschool | N |
Muros | 8 |
Vigo | 16 |
Padrón | 10 |
Negreira | 3 |
Santiago | 13 |
Urban | Villages | Rural | |
E | 79% | 41.9% | 18.4% |
GH | 11.3% | 12.1% | 13.2% |
GHS | 9.7% | 46% | 68.4% |
Total | 100% | 100% | 100% |
S-2000 | S-2015 | |||||
Muros | Padrón | Negreira | Muros | Padrón | Negreira | |
GHS | 83.6% | 78.9% | 23.8% | 82.6% | 46.4% | 50% |
GH | 1.5% | 5.3% | 38.1% | 7.1% | 23.1% | |
E | 11.9% | 22.8% | 38.1% | 17.4% | 46.4% | 26.9% |
S-2000 (N = 144) | S-2015 (N = 57) | |||||
Students | Fathers | Mothers | Students | Fathers | Mothers | |
Yes | 51.4% | 60.4% | 56.3% | 47.4% | 50% | 43.9% |
Sometimes | 33.3% | 19.4% | 23.6% | 40.4% | 25% | 22.8% |
No | 15.3% | 20.1% | 20.1% | 12.3% | 25% | 33.3% |
Total | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% |
S-2000 (N = 144) | S-2015 (N = 57) | |||||
Students | Fathers | Mothers | Students | Fathers | Mothers | |
Yes | 45.1% | 53.5% | 49.7% | 36.8% | 35.7% | 28.1% |
Sometimes | 28.5% | 16.7% | 19.6% | 38.6% | 28.6% | 29.8% |
No | 26.4% | 29.9% | 30.8% | 24.6% | 35.7% | 42.1% |
Total | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% |
Fahter’s use of (h) | |||||||
Students | S-2000 | S-2015 | |||||
Yes | Sometimes | No | Yes | Sometimes | No | ||
Yes | 74.7% | 21.4% | 10.3% | 78.6% | 7.1% | 21.4% | |
Sometimes | 23.0% | 75.0% | 24.1% | 14.3% | 85.7% | 50% | |
No | 2.3% | 3.6% | 65.5% | 7.1% | 7.1% | 28.6% | |
Total | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | |
Χ2 = 101,734 (4 gl), p < 0.01 | Χ2 = 28,583 (4 gl), p < 0.01 |
Mohter’s use of (s) | |||||||
S-2000 | S-2015 | ||||||
Students | Yes | Sometimes | No | Yes | Sometimes | No | |
Yes | 80.3% | 19.9% | 4.5% | 81.3% | 17.6% | 20.8% | |
Sometimes | 18.3% | 67.9% | 20.5% | 18.8% | 76.5% | 20% | |
No | 1.4% | 14.3% | 75% | 0 | 5.9% | 54.2% | |
Total | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | |
Χ2 = 116,476 (4 gl), p < 0.01 | Χ2 = 35,944 (4 gl), p < 0.01 |
Aggregated varieties | Aggregated samples (Explained Var. 59%) | S-2000 (Explained Var. 59.7%) | S-2015 (Explained Var. 57.7%) | ||||
F1 Status (29.7% var.) | F2 Solidarity (29.2% var.) | F1 Status (30% var.) | F2 Solidarity (29.7% var.) | F1 Status (29.7% var.) | F2 Solidarity (27.9% var.) | ||
educated | 0.865 | 0.873 | 0.848 | ||||
classy | 0.825 | 0.834 | 0.799 | ||||
intelligent | 0.785 | 0.774 | 0.799 | ||||
successful | 0.732 | 0.699 | 0.797 | ||||
spontaneous | 0.744 | 0.736 | 0.744 | ||||
sociable | 0.739 | 0.704 | 0.783 | ||||
friendly | 0.726 | 0.724 | 0.720 | ||||
sincere | 0.709 | 0.725 | 0.689 | ||||
fair | 0.607 | 0.638 | 0.542 | ||||
Disaggregated varieties S-2000 | E (Explained Var. 60.33%) | GH (Explained Var. 56.55%) | GHS (Explained Var. 58.19%) | ||||
F2 Status (27.0% var.) | F1 Solidarity (33.3% var.) | F2 Status (26.66% var.) | F1 Solidarity (29.89% var.) | F2 Status (28.9% var.) | F1 Solidaridarity (29.2% var.) | ||
educated | 0.824 | 0.811 | 0.835 | ||||
classy | 0.853 | 0.797 | 0.803 | ||||
intelligent | 0.635 | 0.695 | 0.780 | ||||
successful | 0.617 | 0.680 | 0.649 | ||||
spontaneous | 0.750 | 0.677 | 0.721 | ||||
sociable | 0.717 | 0.735 | 0.642 | ||||
friendly | 0.708 | 0.704 | 0.693 | ||||
sincere | 0.726 | 0.714 | 0.771 | ||||
fair | 0.654 | 0.671 | 0.662 | ||||
Disaggregated varieties S-2015 | E (Explained Var. 60%) | GH (Explained Var. 53.27%) | GHS (Explained Var. 58.71%) | ||||
F2 Status (30% var.) | F1 Solidarity (30% var.) | F1 Status (27% var.) | F2 Solidarity (26.1% var.) | F1 Status (30.1% var.) | F2 Solidarity (28.6% var.) | ||
educated | 0.815 | 0.826 | 0.841 | ||||
classy | 0.787 | 0.744 | 0.754 | ||||
intelligent | 0.787 | 0.748 | 0.803 | ||||
successful | 0.800 | 0.715 | 0.725 | ||||
spontaneous | 0.727 | 0.782 | 0.710 | ||||
sociable | 0.816 | 0.731 | 0.851 | ||||
friendly | 0.733 | 0.734 | 0.801 | ||||
sincere | 0.771 | 0.606 | 0.537 | ||||
fair | 0.573 | 0.468 | 0.502 |
Intrasubject factor Variety |
H1. The mean of E is higher than the mean of GH and GHS. |
Intrasubject factor Dimension |
H2. The means of the dimensions Status and Solidarity differ from each other. |
Variety * Dimension interaction |
H3. The mean scores of GH and GHS are higher than E in the dimension of Solidarity, but lower in the dimension of Status. |
Intersubject Factors |
Variety * Sample interaction |
H4. The configuration of the differences between the means of the standard variety and the other two differs according to the sample year. |
Dimension * Sample interaction |
H5. The dimension * sample interaction is present |
Variety * Dimension * Sample interaction |
H6. Interaction between variety and dimension differs between S-2000 and S-2015 |
Variety * Usual language interaction |
H7. The means of the GH and GHS varieties differ between language groups. |
Variety * Dimension * Usual language interaction |
H8. There are intergroup differences related to the language group, in the sense that the more Galician is spoken, the higher the means in the solidarity dimension for the dialectal varieties. |
Variety * Use of the Gheada interaction |
H9. Means of GH and GHS varieties differ between those who use the gheada and those who do not. |
Dimension * Use of Gheada interaction |
H10. The use of gheada results in an increase in the distances between means in the dimensions of status and solidarity. |
Effect | Wilks Lambda | f | df of Hypothesis | df of Error |
Variety (H1) * | 0.980 | 4157 | 2 | 400 |
Dimension (H2) ** | 0.580 | 290,498 | 1 | 401 |
Variety * Dimension (H3) ** | 0.726 | 75,354 | 2 | 400 |
Variety * Sample (H4) ** | 0.945 | 11,574 | 2 | 400 |
Variety * Dimension * Sample (H6) ** | 0.958 | 8849 | 2 | 400 |
Dimension * usual language (H8) * | 0.980 | 2715 | 3 | 401 |
Contrasts | t | fd |
GH (solidarity vs. status) ** | −23,958 | 411 |
GHS (solidarity vs. status) ** | −27,481 | 411 |
Solidarity (E vs. GH) ** | −6213 | 411 |
Solidarity (E vs. GHS) ** | −6213 | 411 |
Status (E vs. GH) ** | 16,571 | 411 |
Status (E vs. GHS) ** | 15,634 | 411 |
Contrasts | t | fd | |
S-2000 | E vs. GH ** | 7976 | 284 |
E vs. GHS ** | 5248 | 284 | |
GH vs. GHS * | −2093 | 284 | |
S-2015 | E vs. GH ** | 2837 | 126 |
GH vs. GHS ** | −4105 | 126 |
Contrast | t | fd | |
S-2000 | GH (Solidarity vs. Status) ** | 17,797 | 284 |
GHS (Solidarity vs. Status) ** | 23,632 | 284 | |
Solidarity (E vs. GHS) ** | 3428 | 284 | |
Solidarity (GH vs. GHS) ** | 5311 | 284 | |
Status (E vs. GH) ** | −14,137 | 284 | |
Status (E vs. GHS) ** | −15,257 | 284 | |
Status (GH vs. GHS) ** | −3539 | 284 | |
S-2015 | GH (Solidarity vs. Status) ** | −15,933 | 126 |
GHS (Solidarity vs. Status) ** | −14,162 | 126 | |
Solidarity (E vs. GH) ** | −6821 | 126 | |
Solidarity (E vs. GHS) ** | −6821 | 126 | |
Status (E vs. GH) ** | 8647 | 126 | |
Status (E vs. GHS) ** | 5748 | 126 | |
Status (GH vs. GHS) * | −2373 | 126 |
Symbolic Values | Evaluation | |
Castilian | Global Institutional Cross-community | + Status (?) Solidarity |
Galician-E | Institutional Ethnolinguistic identity Local identity (vernacular language) | + Status + Solidarity |
GH-GHS | Non-institutional Local identity (vernacular dialect) Authenticity | − Status + Solidarity |
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Recalde, M.; Fernández, M. ‘The Subversion of Dialects’: Changing Attitudes towards Rural Varieties of Galician. Languages 2024, 9, 204. https://doi.org/10.3390/languages9060204
Recalde M, Fernández M. ‘The Subversion of Dialects’: Changing Attitudes towards Rural Varieties of Galician. Languages. 2024; 9(6):204. https://doi.org/10.3390/languages9060204
Chicago/Turabian StyleRecalde, Montserrat, and Mauro Fernández. 2024. "‘The Subversion of Dialects’: Changing Attitudes towards Rural Varieties of Galician" Languages 9, no. 6: 204. https://doi.org/10.3390/languages9060204
APA StyleRecalde, M., & Fernández, M. (2024). ‘The Subversion of Dialects’: Changing Attitudes towards Rural Varieties of Galician. Languages, 9(6), 204. https://doi.org/10.3390/languages9060204