The Good, the Bad, and the Ethical Implications of Bridging Blockchain and Multi-Agent Systems
:1. Introduction
- (i)
- (ii)
- The study and a development of dynamics enabling the computation of agent reputation through smart contracts;
- (iii)
- A validation of the system in terms of agent behaviors (autonomous and user-dependent) and smart contracts (mechanisms coupled with the agent behaviors and in charge of computing and monitoring the reputation);
- (iv)
- An analysis of the strengths, correctness, drawbacks, challenges, open opportunities, and ethical implications characterizing current and future applications connecting BCT and MAS.
2. State-of-the-Art
2.1. Notions of Multi-Agent Systems
2.2. Notions of Blockchain Technology
2.3. Notions of Trust and Reputation
2.4. Combining MAS and BCT
3. Design of a MAS and BCT Based Architecture
- (i)
- identification and selection of the MAS functionalities to be integrated with or replaced by BCT;
- (ii)
- system design and implementation, including components’ integration and analysis;
- (iii)
- test and evaluation of the system behaviors; and
- (iv)
- critical discussion and evaluation.
- BC-A:
- A regular agent operating in a given community, in which all the interactions are recorded on the blockchain;
- CA-A:
- An agent handling the registration in a given agent community. In particular, the CA-A is in charge of interacting with the certification authority (CA) component of Fabric; the CA-A also offers the possibility of encoding rules and conditions for the enrollment. In the settings of multiple CAs, available in more recent versions of Hyperledger Fabric, similar multi-signature approaches can be employed to manage multiple CA-As.
- Core: the agent instance, in this case implemented in JADE.
- View: the functionality and user interface details.
- Behavior: the set of possible actions.
- Model: the adapter to operate on the underlying BCT.
- Controller: the component connecting the view and model.
- Certification authority (CA): an entity providing valid identities and certificates for the members of the blockchain network.
- Membership service: an entity that identifies CA(s) trusted to define the members of the network. An MScan identify specific roles an actor might play either within the scope of the network and sets the basis for defining access privileges [48].
- Ledger: the immutable, sequenced, tamper resistant register that records all the transactions and the database state.
- Chaincode: a program (also known as a smart contract) that is developed to interact with the ledger.
- Invoke: the APIs called when the invoke transaction is received, in this case from the agents, to process new transaction proposals.
- Assets: a collection of key-value pairs recorded as transactions in the ledger and the respective functions.
4. System Implementation
- avoiding a single point of failure (if the DF is unique in the community),
- reducing the response time when inquired by regular agents,
- improving accessibility and transparency,
- ensuring immutability and traceability.
5. Interactions and Reputation Management
- an overall reputation value rating the general (average) agent’s reputation;
- a task specific value of a given service and role (demander/executor).
- agreement on a specific value (with a minor variance),
- disagreement (the evaluations of demander and executor have a misalignment greater than a customizable threshold).
6. Discussion
6.1. Strengths of Binding BCT and MAS
6.2. Correctness in Binding BCT and MAS
6.3. Drawbacks of Binding BCT and MAS
6.4. Challenges and Opportunities in Binding BCT and MAS
7. Ethical Implications of Binding MAS and BCT in Real-World Scenarios
8. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Figure 10A | Figure 10B | Figure 10C | Figure 11A | |
Exe | Stable | Bad evaluators(s), Performance in decline | Good Executor | Unpredictable, Time limited problem |
Dem | Stable | Bad executor(s) Possible malicious intentions | Good evaluator | Honest mistake, Single bad action |
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Calvaresi, D.; Calbimonte, J.-P.; Dubovitskaya, A.; Mattioli, V.; Piguet, J.-G.; Schumacher, M. The Good, the Bad, and the Ethical Implications of Bridging Blockchain and Multi-Agent Systems. Information 2019, 10, 363.
Calvaresi D, Calbimonte J-P, Dubovitskaya A, Mattioli V, Piguet J-G, Schumacher M. The Good, the Bad, and the Ethical Implications of Bridging Blockchain and Multi-Agent Systems. Information. 2019; 10(12):363.
Chicago/Turabian StyleCalvaresi, Davide, Jean-Paul Calbimonte, Alevtina Dubovitskaya, Valerio Mattioli, Jean-Gabriel Piguet, and Michael Schumacher. 2019. "The Good, the Bad, and the Ethical Implications of Bridging Blockchain and Multi-Agent Systems" Information 10, no. 12: 363.
APA StyleCalvaresi, D., Calbimonte, J.-P., Dubovitskaya, A., Mattioli, V., Piguet, J.-G., & Schumacher, M. (2019). The Good, the Bad, and the Ethical Implications of Bridging Blockchain and Multi-Agent Systems. Information, 10(12), 363.