The Infectious Pancreatic Necrosis Virus (IPNV) and its Virulence Determinants: What is Known and What Should be Known
:1. Introduction
2. The Virus
2.1. Its Structure and General Characteristics
2.2. The Viral Genome
2.3. The Viral Proteins and Their Function
2.4. Replication Cycle
2.5. IPNV and Persistence
3. The Disease
3.1. Viral Transmission
3.2. Characteristics of the Disease
3.3. Cell and Host Defenses
3.4. Persistence and Immunity
4. The Concept of Virulence and Parameters Influencing It
4.1. The Environment
4.2. The Host
4.3. The Virus
5. Virulence Markers of IPNV
5.1. First Attempts to Find Virulence Determinants
5.2. Determinants of Virulence in VP2
5.3. Is VP5 Expression a Determinant of Virulence?
5.4. Other Viral Proteins and Their Interactions are also Determinants of Virulence
6. Other Genetic Markers
7. Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
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Stp 1 | Gtp 2 | Type Strain | Geogr Origin 3 | |
A | A1 | 1 | WB | USA |
A2 | 5 | Sp | Denmark | |
A3 | 2 | Ab | Denmark | |
A4 | 6 | He | Germany | |
A5 | 3 | Te | UK | |
A6 | 3 | C1 | Canada | |
A7 | 4 | C2 | Canada | |
A8 | 4 | C3 | Canada | |
A9 | 1 | Ja | Canada | |
B | B1 | – | TV-1 | UK |
7 | MaBV 4 | Japan |
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Dopazo, C.P. The Infectious Pancreatic Necrosis Virus (IPNV) and its Virulence Determinants: What is Known and What Should be Known. Pathogens 2020, 9, 94.
Dopazo CP. The Infectious Pancreatic Necrosis Virus (IPNV) and its Virulence Determinants: What is Known and What Should be Known. Pathogens. 2020; 9(2):94.
Chicago/Turabian StyleDopazo, Carlos P. 2020. "The Infectious Pancreatic Necrosis Virus (IPNV) and its Virulence Determinants: What is Known and What Should be Known" Pathogens 9, no. 2: 94.
APA StyleDopazo, C. P. (2020). The Infectious Pancreatic Necrosis Virus (IPNV) and its Virulence Determinants: What is Known and What Should be Known. Pathogens, 9(2), 94.