A Review of Remote Sensing of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation for Non-Specialists
:1. Introduction
2. Review Article Methodology
3. Technical Background
3.1. Key Concepts in RS for Aquatic Research
3.2. Resolutions
3.3. Underwater Light Environment
3.4. Spectral Properties of SAV
3.5. Supplemental Datasets in Aquatic RS
4. Sensors
4.1. Available Sensors
4.2. Advancing Technologies
5. Platforms
5.1. ROVs and AUVs
5.2. Hand-Held, Vessels and Fixed Platforms
5.3. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
5.4. Manned Aircraft
5.5. Satellite
6. Corrections and Analysis
6.1. Correction of Passive Optical RS Imagery
6.2. Corrections Specific to Aquatic Applications
6.3. Analysis of Passive Optical RS Imagery
6.3.1. Hyperspectral Dimension Reduction
6.3.2. Indices
6.3.3. Classification and Target Detection
6.3.4. Time-Series and Time Sequence Analyses
6.4. Structure-from-Motion Photogrammetry
7. Applications
7.1. Identification
7.2. Location of SAV (Extent Mapping)
8. Discussion
9. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Informed Consent Statement
Institutional Review Board System
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Concept | Definition |
Acoustic remote sensing | Measures backscatter of acoustic waves which are vibrations of the medium (e.g., water) through which the waves propagate. |
Active sensor | A sensor that generates its own signal to illuminate the target. |
Anomaly detection | A type of target detection in which there is no a priori target information. |
Classification | An analytical method in which pixels in an image are given a thematic label as belonging to groups that have either been defined by the user or algorithmically generated. |
Full-Width-Half-Maximum (FWHM) | The width at half of the peak transmittance of the weighting function that describes the range of wavelengths a particular band is sensitive to. If a sensor has bands with narrow FWHMs finer spectral details can be resolved. For example, the uCASI (Figure 2a) has a narrow FWHM for each band (i.e., 2.6 nm) in contrast to 66 nm for band 2 of Sentinel-2. |
Near Infrared (NIR) | The region of the electromagnetic spectrum between 700 nm and 1100 nm. |
Optical remote sensing | Measures reflected electromagnetic radiation. |
Passive sensor | A sensor that measures ambient energy, usually reflected solar radiation, thermal radiation, or microwaves. |
Pixel size | The distance between pixels. It encompasses most of the area on the ground contributing signal to a pixel. Most often this metric is used to describe an image after it has been geometrically corrected to square pixels but can also refer to the raw unaltered geometry (see [40] for an example). |
Radiometric resolution | Distinct levels into which the incoming signal is divided, the number of which determines how many energy intensity levels can be distinguished as being different by the sensor. This is typically given in the form of bits used to encode the pixel values in binary format where each bit corresponds to an exponent of 2 (e.g., an 8-bit image has 28 or 256 digital numbers referred to as grey levels). Many modern imagers acquire data in 10, 12 or 14-bits. |
Spatial resolution | The smallest resolvable detail achievable by a given system configuration. Spatial resolution can be divided as: very high < 1 m; high 1 m < x < 5 m; moderate 5 m < x < 30 m; low > 30 m. |
Spectral profile/signature | Response of a sensor to radiation across wavelengths sensed. Often represented as a curve of radiation reflected by a target. |
Spectral resolution | Ability of a sensor to define fine wavelength intervals. A finer spectral resolution allows for a narrower wavelength range for a particular band. While the number of bands recorded by a given sensor can range from < 10 to > 200, the narrowness of the spectral interval that can be resolved defines the resolution. This is often reported as the FWHM of the spectral response function of each band. |
Target detection | An analysis method in which the known spectral, thermal, or microwave response of a material is located in an image. |
Temporal resolution | The time interval between successive measurements of the same target. |
Ultra-violet (UV) | The region of the electromagnetic spectrum between 270 nm and 400 nm. |
Visible spectrum (VIS) | The region of the electromagnetic spectrum between 400 nm to 700 nm comprising all visible wavelengths of light. |
Type | Energy | n | Name | Description | Examples | Sources |
Active | Acoustic | 1 | Side-scan sonar | Emits energy from above, at or near the water’s surface. | Hummingbird SSS | [33,69,70] |
Acoustic | 1–2 | Echo-sounder | Emits energy horizontally from within the water column. | DIDSON, DT- X, Sonic2024 | [33,62,71,72] | |
Electro- magnetic | 1 | Bathymetric LiDAR | Emits green light (~530 nm) that penetrates the water column. | SHOALS, EAARL | [73,74] | |
Passive | Electro- magnetic | 1 | Panchromatic | Film and digital sensors that are sensitive to a wide wavelength range of light (usually the VIS) and produce greyscale images comprised of a single band. | Film, PAN band on SPOT | [75,76] |
3 | Red-Green-Blue (RGB) | Film and digital sensors that capture visible light to produce true color images. | DSLR camera, Go Pro | [77,78,79] | ||
4–30 | Multispectral | Sensors that record up to 15 non-contiguous bands, potentially across the entire reflective optical spectrum. | Sequoia sensor, MEIS, Landsat | [80,81,82] | ||
30+ | Hyperspectral | Sensors that record dozens to > 100 narrow, contiguous bands. | ASD fieldspec, CASI, Hyperion | [43,83,84] |
Name | Abbreviation | Equation | Source(s) |
Normalized difference vegetation index | NDVI | [21,294,295,296] | |
Normalized difference aquatic vegetation index | NDAVI | [295,297,298] | |
Water-adjusted vegetation index | WAVI | [295,297,298] | |
Green-red vegetation index | GRVI | [294] | |
Normalized total pigment to Chl-a ratio index | NPCI | [299] |
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Share and Cite
Rowan, G.S.L.; Kalacska, M. A Review of Remote Sensing of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation for Non-Specialists. Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 623. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13040623
Rowan GSL, Kalacska M. A Review of Remote Sensing of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation for Non-Specialists. Remote Sensing. 2021; 13(4):623. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13040623
Chicago/Turabian StyleRowan, Gillian S. L., and Margaret Kalacska. 2021. "A Review of Remote Sensing of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation for Non-Specialists" Remote Sensing 13, no. 4: 623. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13040623
APA StyleRowan, G. S. L., & Kalacska, M. (2021). A Review of Remote Sensing of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation for Non-Specialists. Remote Sensing, 13(4), 623. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13040623