Integrating Prospective LCA in the Development of Automotive Components
:1. Introduction
2. State of Research
2.1. LCE of Automotive Components
2.2. Prospective LCA
2.3. Integration of pLCA in LCE of Automotive Components
3. Materials and Methods
Methodology for Application of Prospective LCA in LCE of Automotive Components
- Cradle-to-Grave: Considering the whole product life cycle to identify general hot spots in the foreground and background systems.
- Gate-to-Gate: Considering the component production at the component producer to identify production processes with high GWP (foreground system).
- Cradle-to-Gate: Considering the upstream supply chain to analyze the contribution of materials and auxiliaries used (background system).
4. Results—Case Study
4.1. Goal and Scope Definition
4.2. Initial LCA and Key Factor Analysis
4.3. Scenario Generation
4.3.1. Identification of Future Projections
4.3.2. Consistency Matrix
4.3.3. Scenario Building
4.3.4. Scenario Evaluation
4.4. Implications for Product Development and Strategic Decisions
- Own production: The switch from fossil energy to renewable energy is crucial to reach a reduction in GWP from a gate-to-gate perspective. However, the analysis shows that even a very fast transformation approach from, e.g., natural gas fired processes to electrification, as shown in scenario 5, does not result in a fast decarbonization. Electrification is only useful when sufficient renewable electricity is available to substitute the fossil fuels (scenario 6). Therefore, when deciding for either the electrification of processes or the substitution of fossil fuels by other fuels such as hydrogen, the availability has to be assured. One possibility is to assure availability by investing in the production of renewable electricity or green hydrogen.
- Materials: The three main aspects of material efficiency, usage of secondary materials, and usage of sustainably produced materials have been analyzed in the context of this study to reduce the GWP from the materials used in the products. The highest potential was reached in scenarios 6 and 7, where all three aspects where applied. The first aspect is material efficiency. The efficient usage of materials in the production can reduce the GWP significantly, especially when it comes to production processes with high material losses or very GHG intensive materials like FRP. The development of material efficient production technologies is therefore one central aspect for companies. The second aspect is the usage of recycled materials to produce automotive components. The recycled materials for all materials in this study have a lower GWP than the virgin materials. Aiming at a circular economy, the recycled content should therefore be increased as far as possible without losing physical properties or the weakening the crash performance of the component. The third aspect is the sustainable production of virgin materials. Due to the increasing demand for raw materials globally, not all products can be produced with secondary materials. A certain amount of virgin material is still needed. Therefore, this virgin material needs to be produced as sustainably as possible. Investments in new technologies and partnerships with suppliers of these materials are therefore possible steps for component producers.
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions
- The methodology is suitable for usage in the automotive industry and provides a practical way to consider future developments in product and strategy development;
- The main advantage of the methodology is the possibility to develop different consistent future scenarios for the foreground and background systems, to analyze their influence on the GWP of the products under study, and to derive implications for future product and decarbonization strategy developments from the results;
- Scenario consistency is improved through the integration of a structured consistency analysis but remains a limitation through the unavoidable usage of data from different sources.
- A significant reduction of the GWP is possible in seven out of eight future scenarios for all product variants under study considering a time period from 2020 to 2050;
- The main levers for the decarbonization and therefore the main implications for companies are (1) the decarbonization of the own production through the efficient usage of renewable energy, and (2) the decarbonization of the upstream supply chain through the usage of sustainable materials such as secondary materials or materials produced with low GWP, and (3) the decarbonization of the use stage through the usage of renewable electricity;
- For the example under study and the made assumptions, most scenarios show an advantage for the GWP of the steel variant compared to the other design variants. However, it is important to note that the results are specific to the assumptions made, and different results may be obtained for different products or applications.
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
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Life Cycle Phase | Parameter | Used Datasets and Assumptions |
Production | Energy supply | European average values for all forms of energy from ecoinvent [45] |
Material production | Steel sheet production based on Worldsteel data [60]; Aluminum ingot production based on EA data [61]; Epoxy matrix and carbon fiber production based on literature data ([15,17,62,63]) | |
Manufacturing processes | Steel and aluminum parts: Industry data; Hybrid part: literature data ([64,65,66,67]) and laboratory measurements | |
Use | Energy supply | European average value for electricity from ecoinvent [45] |
Vehicle application | Midsize BEV | |
ERV | 1.59 MJ/(100 km × 100 kg) based on WorldAutoSteel [68] | |
Mileage | 200,000 km | |
Charging efficiency | 90% | |
End-of-Life | Processes | No end-of-life processes as an equivalent shredding process can be assumed for all material designs |
Calculation method | Cut-off |
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Share and Cite
Grenz, J.; Ostermann, M.; Käsewieter, K.; Cerdas, F.; Marten, T.; Herrmann, C.; Tröster, T. Integrating Prospective LCA in the Development of Automotive Components. Sustainability 2023, 15, 10041.
Grenz J, Ostermann M, Käsewieter K, Cerdas F, Marten T, Herrmann C, Tröster T. Integrating Prospective LCA in the Development of Automotive Components. Sustainability. 2023; 15(13):10041.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGrenz, Julian, Moritz Ostermann, Karoline Käsewieter, Felipe Cerdas, Thorsten Marten, Christoph Herrmann, and Thomas Tröster. 2023. "Integrating Prospective LCA in the Development of Automotive Components" Sustainability 15, no. 13: 10041.
APA StyleGrenz, J., Ostermann, M., Käsewieter, K., Cerdas, F., Marten, T., Herrmann, C., & Tröster, T. (2023). Integrating Prospective LCA in the Development of Automotive Components. Sustainability, 15(13), 10041.