Mediation and Online Learning: Systematic Literature Mapping (2015–2020)
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Method
2.2. Definition of Scope and Objective (Research Questions)
2.3. Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
2.4. Identificacion of Databases and Search Terms
2.5. Database Search and Article Retrieval
2.6. Creation of the Classification Scheme
3. Results
3.1. SRQ1: How Many Studies Are in WOS and Scopus Databases from 2015 to 2020, and What Is Their Design?
3.2. RQ2: What Are the Most Cited Articles?
3.3. RQ3: What Is the Geographical Distribution of the Authors?
3.4. RQ4: Which Are the Journals with the Most Publications on This Topic?
3.5. RQ5: What Type of Mediation Is Presented in the Articles?
3.6. RQ6: What Are the Trends Addressed in the Articles?
4. Discussion
5. Limitations
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Question | Type of Response Sought |
RQ1: How many studies are in the WOS and Scopus databases from 2015 to 2020? | Number of articles in WOS Number of articles in Scopus Number of duplicated articles Number of articles with quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods and research design |
RQ2: Who are the authors of the most cited articles? | Most cited articles |
RQ3: What is the geographical distribution of the authors? | Countries where the authors are from |
RQ4: What are the journals that have the most publications on this subject? | Journals Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 |
RQ5: What type of mediation is presented in the articles? | Technological Pedagogical Social Parental |
RQ6: What are the trends that are addressed in the articles? | Type of learning empowered The educational level where the research is generated, virtual spaces, or technology and tool used. |
Inclusion Criteria | Exclusion Criteria |
Databases: WOS and Scopus | Other databases |
Studies published between 2015 and 2020 | Studies from years before 2015 |
Documents: only articles | Reviews, conferences, book chapters, books, articles in reports, series, and studies of these in press. |
Articles: only from journals | |
Articles from the educational field that address mediation in online environments | Studies that address mediation as a conciliation or peace process or cases of educational conflict resolution. |
Search String in Scopus | Search String in WOS |
(TITLE-ABS-KEY ((“pedagogical mediation” OR “*mediated learning*” OR “*mediated Communication”)) AND TITLE-ABS-KEY ((“e-learning” OR “online education” OR “virtual education” OR “Virtual learning environment” OR “Computer Aided Instruction” OR “Massive Open Online Course” OR “MOOC”))) AND (LIMIT-TO (PUBYEAR, 2020) OR LIMIT-TO (PUBYEAR, 2019) OR LIMIT-TO (PUBYEAR, 2018) OR LIMIT-TO (PUBYEAR, 2017) OR LIMIT-TO (PUBYEAR, 2016) OR LIMIT-TO (PUBYEAR, 2015)) AND (LIMIT-TO (DOCTYPE, “ar”)) | TS = ((“pedagogical mediation” OR “*mediated learning*” OR “*mediated Communication”) AND (“e-learning” OR “online education” OR “virtual education” OR “Virtual learning environment” OR “Computer Aided Instruction” OR “Massive Open Online Course” OR “MOOC”)) AND PY = (2015 OR 2016 OR 2017 OR 2018 OR 2019 OR 2020) Refinado por: TIPOS DE DOCUMENTOS: (ARTICLE) |
Types of Mediation | Description | Theoretical Sustenance |
Technological | Studies that analyze mediation but more associated with the media and the communicative process mediated by technology. | Technological mediation is not reduced to the technological aspect. It also involves cognitive and social. |
Technological | Dimensions oriented to the integral formation of the human being. This process favors both the individual and collaborative aspects, based on different tools [17]. | |
Pedagogical or cognitive | This category groups together those studies that aim to analyze mediation from a pedagogical or cognitive perspective and refer mainly to strategies in the teaching process. | Pedagogical mediation refers to the treatment of contents and the forms of expression of the different subjects to make the educational act possible. As a result, there is student participation, creativity, relationship, and interactivity [51]. |
Social | Corresponds to those studies that approach mediation from a context of collaborative training, in pairs, through social networks, that is to say, within a group, participative criterion. | Learning with mobile, smart devices, and social networks is a trend that has modified traditional learning. Moreover, a direct relationship is established between mediation, sense of relevance and social presence [52]. |
Parental | In this group are publications referring to mediation executed by parents through the control of their children, especially at school age. | Parental mediation tends to be more negative than positive as it focuses on advice, rules and prohibitions in using the Internet [53]. |
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Riofrío-Calderón, G.; Ramírez-Montoya, M.-S. Mediation and Online Learning: Systematic Literature Mapping (2015–2020). Sustainability 2022, 14, 2951.
Riofrío-Calderón G, Ramírez-Montoya M-S. Mediation and Online Learning: Systematic Literature Mapping (2015–2020). Sustainability. 2022; 14(5):2951.
Chicago/Turabian StyleRiofrío-Calderón, Gioconda, and María-Soledad Ramírez-Montoya. 2022. "Mediation and Online Learning: Systematic Literature Mapping (2015–2020)" Sustainability 14, no. 5: 2951.
APA StyleRiofrío-Calderón, G., & Ramírez-Montoya, M.-S. (2022). Mediation and Online Learning: Systematic Literature Mapping (2015–2020). Sustainability, 14(5), 2951.