1. Introduction
Asia is the hub for rice (
Oryza sativa L.)–wheat (
Triticum aestivum L.) cropping systems (RWCS) and feeds ~80% people across the globe. The RWCS feeds over 6 billion people in Asia and other parts of the world [
3]. The people of South Asia intake 60–75% of their daily energy and half of the protein in their diet by consuming of rice [
3]. The RWCS is one of the most widely followed sequences in the South Asian region, with more than twenty cropping sequences being practiced [
4]. RWCS covers approximately 24 million hectares (mha) of cultivated land in Asia [
6]. Out of which, 15.8 mha of land occupied in South Asia mostly encompasses the four countries, i.e., India, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Pakistan [
9].These four South Asian countries are delineated as the “food bowl” of Asia, covering about 33% of the rice area and 40% of the wheat area, with a production of one-fourth and one-third of the entire rice and wheat grown, respectively [
12].The practices of RWCS address several issues such as declining soil health; degrading ecological sustainability; nutritional insecurity; high demand for energy input; deficiency of micronutrients such as Zn, Fe, Boron (B), and sulphur (S); decreased total factor productivity, etc. [
14].The RWCS attends to the targeted demand for food security in the South Asia region, but the nutritional security in this RWCS is under threat, mainly due to deficiency of micronutrients such as Fe and Zn in the diet [
The RWCS of South Asia arises from a deficiency of micronutrients, particularly Fe and Zn, and might be due to continuous choice of high yielding fertilizer responsive variety, inappropriate use of fertilizer, reduced application of organic matter, and less or no use of micronutrients, etc. [
22]. Around 50% of malnourished people living in South Asia suffer from a deficit of micronutrients in their diet [
24]. The deficiency of Fe in the diet causes anaemia in pregnant women, leading to low birth weight in new born babies or premature delivery; children below the age of 5 years are also affected, and mortality can occur in cases in children [
26]. In South Asia, one in every two women suffered from anaemia during the year 2016 [
27]. After the Green Revolution era, India fulfilled food demand but lagged behind in terms of nutritional security. In India, around 194.6 million people are suffering from malnutrition problems, in which 38% of children under 5 years of age are undersized and 36% are below the average weight. According to recent calculations, genetically enriched rice and wheat varieties with Zn and Fe, such as through breeding approaches, could save the lives of up to 48,000 children in India each year [
About 50% of the cultivated land in the RWCS in the South Asian region is Zn deficient [
28]. India spends more than USD 12 billion of its GDP annually to alleviate the nutritional deficiency problem [
29]. The pharmaceutical industry in India spends more than USD 6.57 million on manufacturing Fe and Zn capsules [
The Zn and Fe deficiency is present in approximately 40 and 13%, respectively, of Indian soil [
31]. Furthermore, almost the entire RWCS of India suffers from Zn and Fe deficiency [
32]. The most viable and cost-effective option for addressing the problem is to breed new cereal genotypes with high Zn and Fe concentrations in grain. The diversification of genetically modified wheat and rice varieties in RWCS helps alleviate malnutrition and hidden hunger issues in human nutrition, as well as livestock in a sustainable way. Wheat straw and rice straw are the most commonly used feed materials for livestock in India. This accounts for about 10 to 65% of total feedstock in different states [
33]. Livestock health is directly correlated with human health [
The process of making compost from industrial waste and applying it to agricultural fields is a cost-effective solution. It is a relatively cheap and environmentally sound solution because it minimizes greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions while solving the waste management problem and meeting crop nutrient requirements [
35]. Industrial waste contains a higher concentration of essential nutrient elements, such as NPKFeZn and so on [
36]. The primary reason for using industrial waste compost was that it contains more macronutrients (NPK) and micronutrients (FeZn) than farmyard manure (FYM) [
38]. Furthermore, using industrial compost in agricultural fields improves soil health, improves physio-chemical properties in the soil, boosts microbial activity, and increases the soil carbon pool, all of which promote crop yield [
40]. The use of biofertilizer in conjunction with compost aids in the decomposition, mineralization, and translocation of nutrients in the soil system [
Earlier studies placed more emphasis on the use of traditional varieties for rice–wheat cultivation [
43] and the application of FYM along with chemical fertilizer in RWCS [
44]. In consideration of these, we propose the following research hypotheses of the experiment: (i) diversification in the RWCS with genetically modified Fe- and Zn-enriched varieties and (ii) the application of industrial waste compost in RWCS due to more macro- (NPK) and micro- (FeZn) nutrient content as compared to FYM. Bio-fortified Fe- and Zn-enriched varieties have a greater potential for accumulation and uptake of Fe and Zn in grain than traditional varieties, and microbe inoculation aids in waste decomposition, making wastes more available nutrients to the crops [
The application of Fe and Zn containing fertilizers in combination with genetically modified varieties is a quick and effective way to address the malnutrition problem in human and livestock. A successful nutrition programme is believed to be one of the most cost-effective steps [
18]. The integrated use of micronutrients from inorganic and organic sources, as well as the inclusion of genetically biofortified Fe- and Zn-enriched varieties, can help to alleviate malnutrition and achieve goal three of the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which is good health and well-being.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Experimental Setup
A field experiment was carried out on the wheat–rice production system at the agriculture research farm, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University (BHU), Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh (UP), India (
Figure 1), for two consecutive years (2018 and 2019). The geographical location of the experimental field is 25°15′55′′ N, 82°59′29′′ E, and 83 m (m) altitude. The soil textural class of the experimental field was sandy loam in nature and grouped as mixed hyperthermic
Typic Haplustepts [
46]. The soil samples were collected from a depth of 0 to 15 cm before the start of the experiment. The soil test values were: 4.7 g (g) kg
−1 of soil organic carbon (SOC) content according to analyses by the rapid titration method [
47]; available N of 154.65 kg per hectare (ha
−1) using the alkaline permanganate method [
48]; available P of 22.19 kg ha
−1using the0.5 molar (M) sodium bicarbonate extractable method [
49]; available K of 104.10 kg ha
−1usingthe ammonium extractable method [
50]; and 15.06 milligram (mg) kg
−1of available Fe and 0.57 mg kg
−1of available Zn. The pH of the soil was 7.43(1:2, soil: water suspension), the electrical conductivity (EC) was 0.45 desisiemen per meter (d Sm
−1) at 25 °C, the bulk density(
pb) was 1.46 Megagrams per cubic meter (Mg m
−3), and the particle density (
pd) was 2.59 Mg m
−3 [
51]. The atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS) of model Agilent 200 series was used to analyse the micronutrients Fe and Zn.
2.2. Experimental Design and Treatment Details
The experiment was designed using the split-plot design (SPD), and it was repeated three times. Four levels of nutrient sources were used in the main plots, viz., (i) N0= control, (ii) N1= 112.5 kg N + 45 kg P + 45 kg K, (iii) N2= 150 kg N + 60 kg P + 60 kg K, and (iv) N3= 150 kg N + 60 kg P + 60 kg K+ 26.31 kg FeO4.7H2O +15.15 kg ZnO4.H2O.In sub-plots, compost combinations were applied at the rate of (@) 4 tonnes (t) ha−1as (i) B1C1 =Carpet waste and Pleurotus sajor-caju, (ii) B1C2 = Carpet waste and Azotobacter chroococcum, (iii) B1C3 = Carpet waste and Trichoderma viride,(iv) B2C1 = Pressmud and Pleurotus sajor-caju, (v) B2C2 = Pressmud and Azotobacter chroococcum, (vi) B2C3 = Pressmud and Trichoderma viride, (vii) B3C1 = Bagasse and Pleurotus sajor-caju, (viii)B3C2 = Bagasse and Azotobacter chroococcum, and(ix) B3C3 = Bagasse and Trichoderma viride. Hereby, product of industry (B)(B1 =Carpet wastes, B2 =Pressmud and B3 =Bagasse) and cellulose decomposer (C) (such as, C1 =Pleurotussajor-caju,C1=Azotobacter chroococcum and C3 =Trichoderma viride). Here, in this study, carpet waste was obtained from a by-product of cotton wool. The nutrient concentration in pressmud and bagasse was analysed for N (2.57 and 1.25%), P (1.78 and 0.25%), K (0.74 and 1.15%), Fe (0.11 and 0.089%), and Zn (0.01 and 0.008%) content, respectively. Similarly, in carpet waste compost, the nutrient concentrations of NPKFeZn were 6.89, 0.68, 0.54, 0.13, and 0.015%, respectively.
2.3. Crop Management
2.3.1. Wheat
The wheat variety “WB 02” was taken for the trial released from the Indian Institute of Wheat and Barley Research (IIWBR). As compared to traditional varieties with 32.0 ppm Zn and 28.0–32.0 ppm Fe [
52], this variety has 42.0 ppm Zn and 40.0 ppm Fe. Seed was sown @ 100 kg ha
−1 on 20 November at 22.5 cm (row to row) × 10 cm (plant to plant) spacing during both years. The general recommended dose of fertilizer (RDF) was 150-60-60-5-5 NPKFeZn kg ha
−1 applied during both years of study. The full dose of P and K and 50% of N were applied as the basal dose before sowing of wheat. The remaining N was applied in two splits, one at 21 days after sowing (DAS) and another at 45 DAS. The by-product of industry compost was applied as 4 t ha
−1 before the sowing of the crop and mixed thoroughly into the soil. The Fe and Zn were applied through iron sulphate heptahydrate and zinc sulphate monohydrate, respectively, before the sowing of the crop. The herbicide pendimethalin @ 1kg active ingredient (a.i.) ha
−1 was sprayed manually after 24 h of sowing to keep it weed-free. There were four types of irrigation applied throughout the crop growing periods. The first irrigation was applied at the crown root initiation (CRI) stage during two years of study. The subsequent irrigations were applied based on the soil moisture depletion. In both years, wheat was harvested when 90% of the grain ripened in the last week of March to the first week of April. For yield estimation, net plot sizes of 6 × 5 m were harvested manually and dried over the threshing floor for about 5 to 6 days. After that, the dried plants were threshed mechanically to detach grains from straw.
2.3.2. Rice
The rice variety “Dhan-45” was resealed from Directorate Rice Research (DRR) sown in line @ 40 kg ha
−1 in between rows of previously grown wheat crop. Seed was sown on 27June during both years. This variety contains a high amount of Zn (22.6 ppm) in the polished grains in comparison to 12–16 ppm [
53] in the traditional variety. The crop was sown during the last week of June in both years of experiment. The rice was grown during the rainy season, so irrigation requirements were reduced; however, for germination, one irrigation was applied after 4 DAS. N fertilizer@ 75 kg ha
−1was applied to the rice crop in two equal splits: first at 20 DAS and second at 50 DAS. For weed control, herbicide bispyribac sodium (Na) @ 25 g a.i. ha
−1 was sprayed at 20 DAS. One manual hand weeding operation was performed at 30 DAS during both years to keep the plot weed free.
2.4. Observations and Sampling of Data
2.4.1. Grain, Straw, and Biological Yields
Before the harvesting of both crops, the productive tillers in each treatment were collected from 1 m2 area and taken for drying to lessen the moisture content. The dried plant samples collected from 1 m2 area were threshed to separate the grains from straw. The threshed grain and straw were weighted using a weighing balance and converted to Mg ha−1 grain and straw yield. The biological yield was calculated by summing the grain and straw yield.
2.4.2. Soil Fe and Zn Analysis
The available Fe and Zn content in soil was determined by the Diethylene triaminepentaacetate (DTPA) extraction method [
54]. In a 250 mL conical flask, 10 g of air-dried processed soil sample was placed, and 20 mL of 0.005 M DTPA solution was added. After that, the flask was placed on a horizontal shaker (S M Scientific Instruments PVT. LTD. New Delhi, India), which was shaken for two hours. Then, the suspension was filtered through Whatman No. 42 filter paper and the filtrate was kept in polypropylene bottles. Afterward, the filtrate was taken for analysis of Fe and Zn in soil through AAS [
2.4.3. Grain and Straw Fe and Zn Analysis
The healthy, fine, and air-dried samples of grain and straw were taken for grinding. For Zn analysis, the samples were ground the grinding mill (Wiley mill, standard model No.3), while, for Fe analysis, they were crushed with the help of a mortar and pestle. Then, 0.5 g of ground sample was placed in the digestion tube. After that, 10 mL of di-acid mixture (Nitric acid (HNO
3): Perchloric acid (HClO
4) at 9:4
v) was added to it and kept overnight for predigesting. Then, the samples were digested in the well set-up digestion chamber (Kjeldahl dry block digester) at 160 °C until the samples became colourless. Then, the digested samples were diluted with 5–10 mL of double distilled water and filtered through Whatman No. 42 filter paper. Afterward, the digested samples were taken for analysis of Fe and Zn content through AAS [
2.5. Total Iron and Znic Uptake by Crop
The total Fe and Zn uptake by wheat and rice are presented in Equations (1) and (2):
2.6. Preparation of Used Biofertilizers
The microbial cultures (fungus) were carried out in potato dextrose agar (PDA) medium The composition of the PDA medium was fresh peel and healthy potato 200 g, dextrose 20 g, and agar powder 20 g. The microbial inoculant was transferred into the Petridis containing PDA medium under laminar air flow. The transfer of microbial inoculant was performed with the help of a culture needle [
2.7. Correlation and Regression
The degree to which two factors are linearly related is expressed by correlation, a statistical measure. It is a typical way to describe simple relationships without expressing a cause-and-effect relationship. The degree of the association is measured by the simple correlation coefficient, denoted by ‘r’. The value of r between 0.75 to 1 is denoted as a high degree of correlation; 0.25 to 0.75 is a moderate degree of correlation; and 0 to 0.25 is a low degree of correlation. The change in the dependent variable is highly linked with the changes in the independent variables. It is expressed in the form of a regression equation.
2.8. Statistical Analysis
All the data were analysed by using Excel 2007 from Microsoft Office. The data were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) to determine the significance of the difference between treatments using the “F” test. F test was used to determine the significance difference among of the various treatments at a
p = 0.05 level of significance [
5. Conclusions
Based on our study, it can be concluded that the application of NPKFeZn, along with compost combination application, improved crop yield and Fe and Zn contents in grain, straw, and soil without jeopardizing agricultural yield or soil fertility. Moreover, sowing the WB 02 wheat variety performed well in the N3 treatment, and Fe and Zn ranges were recorded at 54.3 and 52.9 and 35.7 and 34.3 ppm, respectively, during both years. Likewise, in the DRR Dhan-45 variety of rice, Fe and Zn in N3 were recorded at 44.2 and 41.2 and 27.5 and 24.2 ppm, and 33.84 and 24.90 and 96.78 and 72.78% more Fe and Zn content was found in grain as compared to the traditional varieties. On the basis of the interaction effect of N3 × B1C3 treatments, the highest grain yields of wheat and rice of 5.69 and 4.47 Mg ha−1 were observed, respectively, on the basis of the pooled data. Likewise, the maximum 0.84 and 0.50 kg ha−1 total Fe and Zn uptake by wheat were recorded with the interaction effect of N3 × B1C3 treatments, respectively. Furthermore, the maximum 0.62 and 0.39 kg ha−1 total Fe and Zn uptake by rice were recorded with the interaction effect of the N3 × B1C3 treatments, respectively. The adaptation of this technology, i.e., soil application of Fe and Zn along with genetically modified Fe and Zn enriched varieties, can save millions of rupees compared to the rupees spent on malnutrition alleviation programs and can address the dilemma of malnutrition issues in human beings as well as livestock at a primarily level. The genetically modified Zn- and Fe-enriched varieties might be a unique option for root cause management in the rice–wheat production system. This helps to alleviate the threat of malnutrition for billions of people in dietary supply.