Social Sustainable Urban Air Mobility in Europe
:1. Introduction
2. Social Sustainability in Urban (Air) Transportation
3. Methodology
3.1. Adoption of SUMI on pUAM Characteristics
3.2. Literature Analysis
4. Results
4.1. Affordability of pUAM
4.2. Inclusivity of pUAM for Mobility-Impaired Groups
4.3. Access to pUAM Services
4.3.1. Vertiport Placement
4.3.2. Reachability of Vertiports
4.3.3. Vertiport Frequencies
4.4. Satisfaction with pUAM
4.4.1. Perceived Safety
4.4.2. Perceived Affordability
4.4.3. Perceived Service Reliability
4.4.4. Perceived Easiness to Use
4.5. Impact of pUAM on the Quality of Public Spaces
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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SUMI Adopted for pUAM: | Research Focus: | Keywords for Database Search: |
Affordability of pUAM for the poorest | Budget required to use pUAM on a regular basis for commuting and inner-city travel | uam AND affordability OR equity OR operating costs OR pricing OR demand |
Inclusivity of pUAM for mobility-impaired groups | Prospective accessibility of pUAM services and infrastructure to persons with reduced mobility | uam AND inclusivity OR accessibility OR equality |
Accessibility of pUAM services | Spatial distribution of vertiports and their performance. | uam OR vertiports AND accessibility OR scalability OR modal share OR location OR distribution OR capacity OR performance OR passenger handling |
Satisfaction with pUAM | Perceived satisfaction of using pUAM, especially regarding its safety, affordability, reliability and easiness to obtain/convenience | uam AND user adoption OR acceptance OR satisfaction OR reliability OR affordability OR safety OR convenience |
Impact of UAM on the quality of public spaces | Impact of pUAM and related infrastructure on the perceived satisfaction with public spaces and on the quality of urban life/welfare. | uam OR vertiports AND visual pollution OR privacy OR public spaces OR urban quality OR acceptance |
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Biehle, T. Social Sustainable Urban Air Mobility in Europe. Sustainability 2022, 14, 9312.
Biehle T. Social Sustainable Urban Air Mobility in Europe. Sustainability. 2022; 14(15):9312.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBiehle, Tobias. 2022. "Social Sustainable Urban Air Mobility in Europe" Sustainability 14, no. 15: 9312.
APA StyleBiehle, T. (2022). Social Sustainable Urban Air Mobility in Europe. Sustainability, 14(15), 9312.