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19–21 September 2018, Beijing, China
The 7th World Sustainability Forum

Venue: University of International Business and Economics, Beijing, China
Organizing Institutions: China: University of International Business and Economics and Tsinghua University; Switzerland: University of Basel and MDPI

The 7th World Sustainability Forum is an international scientific conference sponsored by the journal Sustainability under the patronage of the  University of International Business and Economics (Beijing), Tsinghua University (Beijing),  University of Basel (Switzerland), MDPI AG  Basel (Switzerland), International Green Economy Association (IGEA),  and  the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (UN SDSN).

The World Sustainability Forum (WSF) is an annual sustainability conference organized by MDPI. It is an excellent opportunity for researchers, practitioners, and policy makers to engage with this topic, to expose the urgency of the issues, and to recognize individual, collective, and national opportunities associated therewith. The WSF2018 in China is also an excellent opportunity to sensitize researchers toward national and cultural differences, and how considerable progress can be made in sustainability, despite the multitude of challenges and differences around the world.

The programme of WSF2018 is very rich, including 12 topics and two awards. The World Sustainability Award and the Emerging Sustainability Leader Award will be conferred at the gala dinner of the conference. The World Sustainability Award comprises USD 100,000; the Emerging Sustainability Leader Award comprises USD 10,000.

Please visit the conference website for more information.

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