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8–11 June 2020, Bologna, Italy
6th International Conference on Food and Wine Supply Chain

The 6th International Conference on Food and Wine Supply Chain addresses the topic of design and planning of sustainable food supply chains from a multidisciplinary and systemic food ecosystem perspective involving all stages from growers to consumers. It aims to better understand food ecosystems according to a holistic approach, by highlighing the horizontal connections among the supply chain stages and the associated interdisciplinary fields of research. Interactions between the food ecosystems and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) like providing affordable food, mitigating climate change, greening the sector, saving energy and preserving the environment will be central.

Within such a complex and boundless ecosystem, quantitative models and methods intended towards designing, prototyping, engineering and monitoring of novel food products and processes, developing designer foods, eco-friendly food package, as well as adopting sustainable harvesting and farming, processing, storage and distribution technologies and strategies are vital in order to address to the threefold pillar of sustainability (i.e. environmental, social and economic).

The Conference builds upon the state-of-the-art of the interdisciplinary literature on food ecosystem, and addresses the trade-offs and synergies underlying the design, planning, management and optimisation of food industries and systems.

Contributions which bridge disciplines (i.e. Industrial Systems Engineering, Food Science, Packaging Science, Decision Science, Logistics and Facility Management, Supply Chain Management, Agricultural Science and Land-use Planning, Energy Engineering) and foster collaborations for decision-making between different stages of the food supply chain are particularly encouraged. Furthermore, single discipline or specific studies on food products, processes, and systems, technologies or design/planning methodologies will find room in parallel sessions or as posters.

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