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Young Investigator Award

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce that the winner of the Sustainability 2022 Young Investigator Award is Dr. Xiaolei Yuan.

Dr. Xiaolei Yuan is now a postdoc researcher in Aalto University, Espoo, Finland, whose focus is on sustainable built environments. He is now mainly engaged in studying building energy management (e.g., waste heat recoveries, demand response, renewable energy), data center cooling technologies, and HVAC system optimization. In addition, he is also interested in interdisciplinary studies (e.g., energy storage technology, automatic control, renewable energy) for achieving the green building energy system and nearly zero-energy buildings. He has been invited to act as the Guest Editor and reviewer of a variety of reputable international journals. Up to now, he has published 26 open peer-reviewed journal articles, 3 dissertations and 11 conference articles and has already finished another 15 articles (JA/CA). In addition, he has also applied for more than 40 Chinese utility model and invention patents. During his postgraduate study period, he has won honors including “Chinese national scholarship for master’s degree in 2018-2019”, “Scholarship for outstanding freshmen (Doctoral level) in Tongji University in 2018-2019”, “Outstanding doctoral scholarship and excellent doctoral candidate of Tongji University in 2019-2020”, “Anshi Xia scholarship-Sanhua Award in 2021 (Doctoral-level)”, “Buildings international journal 2021 Travel Award”, “Energy and Built Environment academic newcomer award outstanding doctoral candidate”, and “2021 China Scholarship Council (CSC) public-short study abroad qualifications”. He was responsible for the preparation and proposal of the International Conference on “Building Simulation 2023 (BS2023)-The 18th International IBPSA Conference and Exhibition”, and successfully helped IBPSA China win the rights to host BS2023. Please join us in congratulating Dr. Xiaolei Yuan for his outstanding achievements.

As the awardee, Dr. Xiaolei Yuan will receive an honorarium of CHF 2000 and an engraved plaque.

We would like to thank all the nominators from various fields of study for their participation and all the Award Committee Members for their evaluation of the many excellent nominations.

Prof. Dr. Marc A. Rosen
Editor-in-Chief, Sustainability

Sustainability 2022 Young Investigator Award
Past Winners


Dr. Amos Darko
University of Washington, WA, USA

Award Committee

Dr. Marc Rosen Chairman
University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Prof. Andrea Pezzuolo
University of Padova - Department of Land, Environment, Agriculture and Forestry
Prof. José Luís Abrantes
Instituto Politénico de Viseu
Prof. Dr. Đurđica Ačkar
Faculty of Food Technology Osijek
Dr. Jaspreet Singh
Massey University


Xiaolei Yuan
Aalto University, Finland

Award Committee

Dr. Marc Rosen Chairman
University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Dr. Chunjiang An
Concordia University
Prof. HoneJay Chu
National Cheng Kung University
Dr. Samuel Asumadu Sarkodie
Nord Universitetet


Baojie He
Chongqing University, China

Award Committee

Dr. Marc Rosen Chairman
University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Dr. Aritra Ghosh
University of Exeter
Prof. Dr. Jose Navarro Pedreño
University Miguel Hernández of Elche


Alvaro de Gracia
University of Lleida, Spain

Award Committee

Dr. Marc Rosen Chairman
University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Prof. Dr. Joao Leitao
University of Beira Interior
Prof. Dr. Alejandro Rescia Perazzo
Complutense University of Madrid
Prof. Vincenzo Franzitta
Dr. Domenico Curto
University of Palermo


Riccardo Accorsi
University of Bologna, Italy

Award Committee

Dr. Marc Rosen Chairman
University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Dr. Jack Barkenbus
Prof. Iain Gordon
James Cook University
Prof. Dr. Miguel Amado
CITUA - Center for Innovation in Territory, Urbanism, and Architecture of Instituto Superior Tecnico - Universidade de Lisboa
Prof. Giuseppe Ioppolo
University of Study of Messina
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