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11–13 June 2018, Acireale, Italy
NDES 2018

Dear friends and participants of NDES (Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems) Conference, The 26th Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems conference, NDES 2018, will be organized by the Electric, Electronics and Computer Engineering Department of the University of Catania and will be held in Acireale, a baroque town, 11-13 June 2018. Acireale ( is a reference point for excursions to Etna, Taormina, Siracusa.

The conference will be held in the Library and Pinacotheca of the "Accademia di Scienze, Lettere e Belle Arti degli Zelanti e dei Dafnici" of Acireale, one of the European most ancient Academies, founded in 1671. The Library and Pinacotheca "Zelantea" houses a collection of ancient archaeological manufacts, scrolls and manuscripts and a relevant section of paintings and fine arts.

This fascinating site will be the perfect framework for NDES 2018.

The NDES 2018 main theme is: “Nonlinear technologies for network and distributed systems control” The conference will consist of plenary and parallel sessions providing the most recent results in nonlinear dynamics of circuits and systems, with particular attention to their interdisciplinary applications.

We have the pleasure to announce the confirmed Keynote Speakers of NDES 2018:
Stefano Boccaletti - "Explosive synchronization in networked systems"
Maide Bucolo - "Microfluidic networks"
Thomas Carroll - "Chaotic Basis Function Communication"
Mario Di Bernardo - "Distributed control and optimization of complex network systems"
Jürgen Kurths - "Predictability of Extreme Climate Events via a Complex Network Approach"
Cristina Masoller - "Experimental study and control of optical pulses emitted by semiconductor lasers with feedback"
Antonino Mondello - "Memory architectures with cryptographic features on board to support a secure system"
Louis M. Pecora - "Dealing with Cluster Synchronization in undirected networks"
Michael Rosenblum - "Inverse problem in oscillatory networks"
Nikolai Rulkov - "Distributed network simulations of discrete-time spiking neurons"
Hai-Peng Ren - "Improve conventional communication system performance using chaos property"
Ruedi Stoop - "New results from the sensor human brain project alternative"
Ronald Tetzlaff - "Ubiquitous Fading Memory in Memristor Devices?"

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