
Journal Browser

Journal Browser


21–27 August 2011, Nice/Saint Laurent du Var, France
The 5th International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications (SENSORCOMM' 2011)


- APASN: Architectures, protocols and algorithms of sensor networks
- MECSN: Energy, management and control of sensor networks
- RASQOFT: Resource allocation, services, QoS and fault tolerance in sensor networks
- PESMOSN: Performance, simulation and modelling of sensor networks
- SEMOSN: Security and monitoring of sensor networks
- SECSED: Sensor circuits and sensor devices
- RIWISN: Radio issues in wireless sensor networks
- SAPSN: Software, applications and programming of sensor networks
- DAIPSN: Data allocation and information in sensor networks
- DISN: Deployments and implementations of sensor networks
- UNWAT: Under water sensors and systems
- ENOPT: Energy optimization in wireless sensor networks

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