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28 May 2021, Krakow, Poland
MCSB 2021

The Conference on Cybernetic Modeling of Biological Systems - MCSB is a conference with the longest history in Poland and Europe on this subject, as the first was organized in 1979 and then every five years. This conference is jointly organized by AGH University of Science and Technology (Department of Automation and Biomedical Engineering) and Jagiellonian University Medical College (Department of Bioinformatics and Telemedicine).

The aim of conference is to link the specialists in medicine, life sciences with those involved in computer science and engineering. The conference presents a variety of interdisciplinary topics ranging from molecular processes, through the simulation of processes taking place at the cellular level, to organs and tissues to the entire organism. We include also the practical medicine with telemedicine and e-Learning techniques as well. Innovative methods and specific projects for the practice of medicine and health care, as well as the interesting theoretical proposals enriching our scientific knowledge have been presented so far. In the current edition of the Conference, special emphasis will be placed on the use of virtual and augmented reality technology as well as holography in medical sciences, in particular in simulation and modeling. The MCSB 2021 conference will be held in a hybrid form, i.e. in a stationary and remote form. The Scientific Committee of the conference includes persons with unquestionable scientific achievements, which are authorities in their fields of research.

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