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23–24 June 2021, First Virtual ICAMPAM
The first Virtual International Conference on Ambulatory Monitoring of Physical Activity and Movement (ICAMPAM)

The International Society for the Measurement of Physical Behaviour (ISMBP) is excited to announce the first Virtual International Conference on Ambulatory Monitoring of Physical Activity and Movement (ICAMPAM). ISMPB focuses on research and other issues related to ambulatory monitoring, wearable monitors, movement sensors, physical activity, sedentary behaviour, movement behaviour, body postures, sleep and constructs related to physical behaviours.

The conference will take place on June 23-24, 2021. It builds on previous, highly successful in-person international conferences. Because of COVID-19, this year the program will be conducted on-line. The program includes a mix of live and pre-recorded, keynote lectures and live Q&A, as well as ample time for posters. Posters will be available throughout the conference for attendees to visit, review and submit any questions with a dedicated time for each poster presenter and face-to-face discussions with the attendees.

Conference benefits:

- Abstracts of presented posters will be published in the Journal for the Measurement of Physical Behaviour
- Prizes for the best posters
- A chance to share and receive feedback on your research
- Content will be live and on-demand to suit schedules all over the world!
- Great opportunity to learn about the state-of-the-art and future directions from experts in a wide array of fields
- Wonderful learning experience for students and junior faculty
- Plant seeds and foster collaborations without having to board an airplane

Abstract submission is open until May 10th!

For more details and the program:

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