
11–14 May 2021, Vienna, Austria
12th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology

The 12th PBP World Meeting will be held from 11–14 May 2021 in Vienna.

This conference series has gained an ever-increasing impact among pharmaceutical scientists: with more than 1000 submitted abstracts and more than 1300 participants, it has become a well-established major meeting attracting scientists from all over the world.

The entire spectrum of topics ranging from engineering aspects during the manufacturing process, to the portfolio of commercially available excipients enabling the formulation of a large variety of medicinal products; the underlying physico-chemical principles; cutting-edge characterization techniques; and potential pitfalls and hurdles to be overcome during product development, manufacturing, and characterization, will be addressed.

During the entire conference, the accompanying exhibition ResearchPharm® will provide a cross-disciplinary platform for pharmaceutical scientists working in all fields of drug development in industry, academia, and regulatory bodies. This exhibition is steadily growing and offers the possibility to present and learn about the newest trends and products in the area
of pharmaceutical ingredients, developing and processing equipment, analytical technologies, medicinal products, medical devices, and contract manufacturing.

In addition, young and experienced scientists from academia and industry will present their latest research achievements in the form of posters, allowing for fruitful exchanges with the authors.

The meeting is intended to bring together people working in fundamental and applied academic research, in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry and the regulatory field, offering the opportunity to initiate fruitful discussions and collaborations. The organizing committee cordially invites you to join the 12th World Meeting and would be glad to welcome you in Vienna, Austria!

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