
2–6 July 2012, Zurich, Switzerland
7th Workshop on Nano-Scale Spectroscopy and Nanotechnology

Nano-science is ubiquitous in the modern world. Objects with nanometer dimensions are used in computing and electronics, catalysis, photonic- and structural materials. Fabricating such nano-objects and properly characterizing their functionality is a challenge for many fields.

This workshop brings together people engaged in pushing the limits of fabricating, imaging and understanding nano-objects. It will have sessions focused on the functionality of such material as well as on the techniques used to study them. Leading international experts will review the status of the field. Contributed talks and poster sessions will provide a forum for exchange of ideas and future collaboration. An industry exhibit will allow researchers to discuss the state-of-the art in commercial instrumentation.

All of this will take place at the Federal Institute of Technology (ETHZ) in Zurich, Switzerland and be concluded by a visit to Paul Scherrer Institut and the Swiss Light Source, two institutions playing a leading role in nano-science and –technology.

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