
19 November 2019, CSEM Headquarters, Neuchâtel, Switzerland
COMSOL Microsystems Day at CSEM in Neuchâtel


Progressive miniaturization leads to fascinating solutions but also challenges in many industries including watchmaking, MedTech, wearable electronics, sensors, aerospace and communication.  The key to success is the ability to understand the interaction of physical fields in narrow spaces, enhancing the desired and reducing the undesired effects.

We are pleased to invite you to a special event focusing on modeling of mechanics, fluidics, electrodynamics, optics and heat transfer for microsystem sensors and actuators, using COMSOL Multiphysics® software.

The program includes:

  • 4 technical minicourses:
    • MEMS Modeling in the COMSOL® Software
    • Microfluidics Modeling in the COMSOL® Software
    • Wave Electromagnetics Modeling in the COMSOL® Software
    • The Application Builder, COMSOL Compiler™, and COMSOL Server™
  • 4 keynote users` presentations, showcasing their successful projects in Switzerland
  • live demonstrations and hands-on exercises to put your skills into practice under the guidance of a COMSOL engineer
  • interaction with the community in the Micro- and Nanosystems industry, including fellow engineers, researchers and industrial experts

Additionally, all registered attendees will receive a free two-week trial licence for the latest version of COMSOL Multiphysics® to use both during and after the workshop.

Get the full agenda and reserve your seat at:

The event is free of charge, advanced registration is required.

We encourage you and your colleagues to take advantage of this opportunity to learn how to bring the power of multiphysics simulation to your work.

Look forward to welcome you at our COMSOL Microsystems Day at CSEM in Neuchâtel.

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